August/Batch2 Delivery thread

Just got charged for my DIY i5 in Canada.

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Got mine today! Installed elementary OS and besides trying to figure out the WiFi driver issues, it’s been a fantastic experience!

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Framework just tried to charge my card but stupid Bank of America thought it was fraudulent and declined it! Of course I told them it was legitimate and to approve it, but hopefully it’s not too late to get it shipped this week. I did reach out to support to let them know the deal.

Thanks! I haven’t gotten that email from Framework yet but I’ll will be on the lookout!

Apparently my mail provider was auto-deleting any email that Spam Assassin scores over 7. I checked my “getting ready to be charged” email and it has a spam score of 5, so it’s possible the “declined” email was 7 or higher was deleted. I disabled that feature on the mail provider for now just in case. In the meantime, I hardly take my eyes off my mail client!

It’s near

Your order is shipping soon!
We’ve successfully charged the remaining balance of $ to your payment method .

Your order will ship within the next 1-2 days.

@DannyT I ordered July 27th, I got the charge yesterday, no tracking yet but gonna assume that comes in a few days

Apparently that’s a default thing in the Discourse forum software that’s in use here. If you search the “Hey there. We see you’ve been busy reading” message in a search engine you’ll find this random unsolicited message confuses people using a bunch of sites that run the same forum software.


Also got my “going to be charged” and “Charged credit card” emails!!
Ordered June 10th FYI (DIY I5 edition)

Finally got my shipping email, going to arrive Saturday if FedEx holds up!

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Mine appeared earlier today. Hopefully, I luck out on timing, since I’m off on weekends.

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@KOSTYANTYN_RUKHLIS FedEx didn’t charge me any additional fees.

(Yeah, I was pleasantly surprised.)

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@ayhcheung ,
Thanks for the prompt response! I hope they will not send an email or notification about the debt in a few weeks( this happened to me few years ago when I got a Metal Lathe from AliExpress for $650 CAD delivered by FedEx). :slight_smile:

Just got my shipping email! @nrp Mine said that fedex just got the tracking info so looks like the problem where the tracking info was sent a day late is no longer an issue.

I got my “Your order has shipped” email about 2 hours ago. I got the “Your order is shipping soon” on 8/20.

According to tracking from FedEx, I will be getting the package on 9/2 (I’m in California.) Oh yeah. I order on May 14th. [Intel i5-1135G7 DIY]

I was hoping it would be here tomorrow. Oh well. I am excited it’s finally coming.

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I just turned off this auto-email. I didn’t realize it’s on by default.


I got mine yesterday. :grin: Thanks @nrp and the Framework team for building such a quality product!


Got my shipping email Tuesday but a FedEx delay means I probably won’t get it until next Thursday (initially scheduled for next Tuesday), which sucks because I’ll be out of town, but honestly isn’t the end of the world at all. I live in Seattle, so that’s 2200 miles away if you go the direct route and FedEx ground rarely does, so it takes how long it takes. FedEx’s woes or the weather aren’t Framework’s fault and I’ll be happy to get it when I get it.

Huge kudos to @nrp and crew for being so transparent and nice about all of this stuff. Stellar work!


Well, Mom thinks I’m pretty special. Does that count?


The FedEx woes (indirectly) gave me a chuckle. I remember when FedEx’s and UPS’s roles were reversed 20 years ago. My employer at the time had a client who kept getting their stuff lost by UPS, and screamed that it was our fault. And thus we sent the next shipment of UPS pension data to UPS headquarters, via FedEx! Does that count as malicious compliance?

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