Batches Shipping Log

Majority of Batch 3 is still waiting to be charged, while most of batch 1 is just now concluding shipping except a few customers who have decided to wait for certain delayed input modules.

Your batch is one of the few lucky ones, everything else considered, which will most likely receive their laptops in the same Quarter as was shown to them at the time of order, which is Q2 (most likely late) of 2024 for Batch 17.


Batch 3 shipped yesterday from Taiwan, out for delivery today to US East Coast.


Could someone from Framework post and update a topic listing the ship dates for each batch of Framework Laptop 16 machines as they start shipping?

I think it would be very helpful for those of us who have preordered at various batches as well as for prospective customers.

Iā€™m not asking for speculative forward looking dates, just a updated list of the batch number and when that batch started shipping.



That is pretty much what we are trying to here in this thread.
I think any shipping updates from Framework would come via the newsletter like past updates. But I also think such an update would be greatly appreciated and is kind of necessary, especially for later batches, who have no idea what the roadmap looks like right now.


I get that, what I was asking for was an official listing of ship dates by Framework themselves.
What weā€™ve got here is a bunch of customers trying to crowd source the information.

While commendable, it isnā€™t the same thing.

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Not going to happen.
With five design releases so far, hasnā€™t happened.
The good news is that Framework is moving through the batches a lot faster than they did for 11th Gen Intel Batch 1.


Theyā€™re not likely to break character and post something like that. People tend to get angry when they see a date in print, and later on that date changes. They feel like theyā€™ve been lied to. You donā€™t want that emotional rollercoaster of excited-disappointed-excited-disappointed anyway. Itā€™s a killer. This is more fun anyway lol


I donā€™t think you understand my request.

I am asking for an official list of dates when they actually start shipping.
How can the date of an event thatā€™s already come to pass change? Those dates would be in the past.


A whole batch doesnā€™t ship at the same time, itā€™s difficult to provide dates for when something shipped. Currently for instance some orders in batches are delayed due to downstream part shortages while orders 2 batches later have already shipped.


I understand that you are requesting Framework to announce the date of the first shipment of each batch. Currently, we donā€™t have any plans to do so. However, this information is available here, sourced by the community members.

If there is a demand for such an announcement, Iā€™d be happy to share that feedback internally.

(To provide some context, this was originally in another thread, and Iā€™ve merged it here as I believe it falls into this category. Iā€™m sorry if that caused any confusion.)


It would be interesting to have a batch update 8 in regards to the things that have or havent been delayed etc as I only found it as I happened to be in here and it wasnt particularly obvious in comparison to the other updates on the issues


Batch 2 with the delayed keyboard ā€œRGB Clear Ansiā€.

I got my ā€œpreparing to ship emailā€ 02-13. And no official communication since.

I have tried to follow the batch 1 thread but Iā€™m fighting Covid and find it difficult to follow. It appears that some batch 1 people got an official email stating they were delayed and could switch keyboards to get their laptop or wait until next week I think? I have gotten no communication about delays but batch 3 folks are getting their machines before me.

I can understand the frustration and the desire for more transparency. But it is extra work for them with very little extra value. For every one person that is quietly satisfied with more information about how things are being done, there will be 10 people that will complain about how they respond and prioritize.

Itā€™s not like this is Frame workā€™s only project and there are engineers waiting for something to do when there are supplier delays.



My OG Batch 1 11th Gen 13inch was actually shipped after they started shipping Batch 2.

High Specā€™ed and several expansion cards as a DIY.
Still happy with it.

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Oh, I did misunderstand. Could I ask why you want that? I donā€™t see how that could be of use. We have a fairly good estimate from what people are reporting here in the community.

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Because I believe that a company thatā€™s taking pre-orders, some many many months in advance, should be providing an official listing that orders are being fulfilled and when.

Itā€™s helpful to have an idea of where fulfilment currently stands, not only for existing customers, but for potential customers.

Personally, Iā€™m in Batch 12, officially Q1 2024. Every so often I have to rummage around on these boards trying to divine the crowd sourced tea leaves to figure out where in the rollout Framework currently is. I still donā€™t know, nor can I ever. At this point the only official indication is at some undefined point in the future I should get an email telling me that Batch 12 is about to ship. Will that be in March or September? I have no way to even guess.

Is Framework currently shipping Batch 2 or Batch 8? How would I know? At the moment the only way available is to search this board in the hope that someone else has bothered to create a post stating that their pre-order was Batch X and they got their announcement letter, or that their pre-order was Batch Y and they received their laptop.

Q1 is Jan.- Mar. 2024. Does it look like Framework is going to be able to ship Batch 12 by next month? How would I know, thereā€™s no official listing of how the rollout is going.

Hopefully you can see why having an official listing in a standard place, of how the delivery is progressing would be very helpful.


Ok, I see where youā€™re coming from. I would assume the reason they donā€™t do that, aside from resources, is that there are so many different configurations for something like that to work. I know there are people in batch 1 that still donā€™t have their FW16s because they had something in their preorder that is delayed, while certain simple preorders from batch 4 are currently shipping. You would end up with a 10 page announcement with all the different options and batches. I have been doing exactly what you said, going through different batch guilds and seeing what people are saying. Iā€™m in batch 7, and currently playing with my spare money in crypto. If I have another week to play, Iā€™ll likely pay for my laptop with nothing but BTC trading profits. If I screw around for a single day too long, the money wonā€™t be in the right account and Iā€™ll lose my preorder. I understand your concern. I just donā€™t think youā€™re going to be able to get anything better than the posts in the different batch guilds. I donā€™t think it will take long at all once the final delays are sorted out. I would imagine batches will start to go out pretty quick after about batch 5, but thatā€™s just speculation. Good luck!


They donā€™t have to have different page announcements. It can be as simple as the following, which conveys all the information the customers need and deserve:

Batch 1 ā€“ Being processed: Partially shipped / x% shipped (Delays because of xyz announcement)
Batch 2 ā€“ Being processed: Partially shipped / x% shipped (Delays because of xyz announcement)
Batch 3 ā€“ Being processed: Partially shipped / x% shipped (Delays because of xyz announcement)
Batch 4 ā€“ Awaiting processing: Expected Q1 2024

ā€¦ etc, but with better formatting of course.


Agreed. Iā€™m also batch 12.

The last email I received from Framework was ā€œThird update on Framework Laptop 16 shipment timingā€ on 12/14/23.

That means Iā€™ve got to go ā€œgoogle it,ā€ find this thread, and essentially ā€œpollā€ for notifications, if Iā€™d like to know the current status.

Iā€™d respectfully suggest Framework send a simple ā€œpushā€ email thatā€™s ā€œofficialā€ letting everyone know:

(A) Some, but not all, customers in Batches 1-3 have already received their FW16 laptops.
(B) Certain parts (which ones?) are presently unavailable, resulting in some, but not all orders being delayed.
(C) Where customers can go, for current status, official (or otherwise) ā€“ whether a link to this thread, or something else.

This isnā€™t a request for anyone to predict the future.

But, itā€™s helpful for everyone to manage the present.

For example, I just got a bog standard email notification from my credit card company that my card on file for Framework expires April 2024, and theyā€™re shipping me a new card. My present laptop is on its last legs, being nursed along with external fans. Obviously, both of these are things for me to deal with ā€œon my end.ā€ But, if I know the current status on FW16 shipments, I can manage that kind of stuff more effectively.

Iā€™ve been very impressed with the level of transparency prior to the first orders being shipped, and Iā€™m looking forward to receiving my new laptop.

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It would seem that you are missing emails for some reason.
The most recent email regarding shipping update timings was ā€œSeventh update on Framework Laptop 16 shipment timingā€ sent on February 8 2024.

youā€™re overcomplicating this.

all richard_coleman asked for was an official list of when batches started shipping.

thatā€™s three dates, so far. this shouldnā€™t be difficult, and i canā€™t imagine what business advantage or data privacy issue could be at stake with them providing that simple data in an official, centrally located place.

this should be knowledge base stuff, or a pinned staff maintained forum post.