Batches Shipping Log

I think FW has made a decision as a company, based on data, intuition, or available people bandwidth, that they won’t be doing that. Whatever the reason is we can ask for whatever, and it’s reasonable to ask, but I wouldn’t expect any major changes to how any of this works until they’ve had a chance to breathe and do a retrospective and inform themselves based on hindsight and data. Asking for more out of a team that’s probably redlined with both customer and supplier and logistics already is not likely to happen at this point in time because making any change means handling the consequences of that change, and from reading the comments in the various threads here, a lot of people are being very vocal and tending towards upset.


I would honestly rather they focus their manpower on getting the shipping done. I would rather they focus on getting me the laptop that I preordered over 7 months ago. Knowing when other batches shipped won’t change anything. Since interacting with the community was clearly a mistake, I’m going back to lurking in the batch 5 and 6 guilds to watch for early warning on batch 7. Have fun everyone!


I got a batch 2 preparation email on Feb 13 that said it should ship 4-21 days from that date. Have not heard anything since and card not charged yet. Getting DIY minus RAM and storage with dedicated GPU to the USA.


Also in batch two with a similar hardware config (no ram or storage with a dedicated GPU) and I was just charged within the past hour. No email yet, not even in my spam folder.


Batch 1, pre built, have a macropad. I found out this morning when FedEx Delivery Manager emailed me.

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I agree with the overall sentiment that a continually refreshed shipping estimate would be ideal for everyone but I also want to make the case for why we shouldn’t be demanding it for this initial run of the Framework 16, as nice as it would be. This is me spitballing and I have no idea what Framework’s inner workflow is like.

I would imagine that everyone in the supply or logistics departments are checking and rechecking the delivery estimates of numerous batches of dozens of components with varied suppliers every day in an attempt to arrange the chaos of all these moving pieces into something approaching a smooth operation. To get something like an automatically updating tracker in place you need someone to program it, tie it into the internal inventory system, try and work in pending part shipments and hope that none of them fall below expectations and are rejected, hope that this work does not tie up the logistics in being able to keep track of what is coming and going, hope that everyone checking for their laptop shipment estimate doesn’t crash a critical internal system somewhere, have logistics take other time out of their cramped schedule to verify estimates, etc. It would be nice to have for future product launches. It is not something to work on or add in the middle of production.

If you go to Framework’s about page they list just 47 employees, though I doubt this includes all of the production line employees. A quick web search puts the number of HP employees at 58k, Dell at 133k, Asus at 15k, MSI at 21k, etc. The small team is under enough stress as is. I’m with you in that am eagerly awaiting my product, but we need to chill.


Batch 1, swapped my linux keyboard for US English and it shipped last night.


I can absolutely understand frustrations of anyone who has obviously not received their device anywhere near their initial estimate. Framework did a great job of communicating why those estimates weren’t met, though.
I also think it is quite a lot of work to keep an official list of shipments up-to-date, at least for a team that is quite small and definitely has other priorities right now (like getting those shipment out the door).

But maybe just one single newsletter or blog post where all estimates get updated with time frames of a few weeks or months for each batch. I got my B3 order on the 26.2. while my order page still said Q4 2023. Maybe those should be updated as well, they probably lead to a lot of confusion over and over again.

For tracking when the particular batches actually start shipping this forum is probably enough. Speaking of which, maybe we should get back to the original topic, this has gotten quite far from a simple log thread…


I agree with the overall sentiment that a continually refreshed shipping estimate would be ideal for everyone…

Actually that’s not what’s being asked. I, and I imagine others, are well aware of the difficulties predicting when shipments may or may not occur.

All we are asking for is an official listing of when Batches have actually started shipping. Something that should only take less than a minute to update on a web page or pinned comment. Something that I am fairly certain they are already keeping track of internally.

Your post is somewhat of a strawman. You’ve imagined something that no one’s asking for and then gone on at length as to why, givin the small size of the company, it’s entirely too involved/complicated to expect them to be able to accomplish.

Do you have a response that addresses what’s actually being asked?


My response was general and not specific to just you and I have no idea why you have seemingly taken it personally. I even opened it addressing overall sentiment and did not format it as a response to you. There has been discussion of delays based on specific parts in this thread and elsewhere as well as a wide range of requests of updates and the level of desired specificity.

As for responding to you directly I believe the email updates have been adequate for me personally.

I’m in the same batch, and if you remember, that was the last batch that was listed as expected in Q1. Note that the date is that broad that it was listed as a whole quarter, even for the first batch in a quarter.

And if you really think you are having to read the tea leaves to ascertain when the delivery of your batch will be, then I suspect you have the wrong cup of tea.

I really don’t get what your problem is. Is it really that difficult to read the “Batch xx Guild” threads to see who is excited about getting charging and shipping information? Framework cannot give you information that is any more accurate than those posts.

And I’ll point out yet again that the FL13 AMD had, at times, up to four batches shipping at the same time, but the beginning of each batch was stepped by around a week, as they got through the various options for each batch.

So your laptop could be the last one shipped for Batch 12, which could be four to five weeks after the first Batch 12 laptop shipped., going on past shipping history. How is anyone supposed to provide a shipping date in this situation?

And that email was replicated in this forum, under a thread with the appropriate heading - as were all the previous emails. I suspect the upset poster should be checking his spam folder instead of searching google.


As others have said, I would prefer they keep the person that would keeping track of this doing other things to get product out the door (such as handling customer charging, making sure they have all the required accessories for each order, etc). If you can’t spend a minute a day checking to see which is the latest “Batch xx Guild” thread to see who is excited about getting todays notification (or even just doing it weekly) why do you expect a Framework employee to do it?

So what does that make your post? To me it is not even as strong as a strawman.

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I can tell that you’re frustrated, but please refer to our community guidelines. I’d rather not close this thread, but if we continue down the path of ad hominems, I won’t really have much of a choice.


Fair enough, I must admit that I wondered why he couldn’t make the calculation himself, so I’ll do my own ‘back of a fag packet’ calculation.

Based on the premise that Batch 1 was due to be delivered in the first week of 2023 Q4, but delivery didn’t start until beginning February 2024, then Batch 12 will be running four months late, so delivery expectation would be end of July 2024.

If FW can get their suppliers to deliver things in a more timely manner than appears to have been happening, then this date may get pulled earlier.

I doubt that Framework would publish a more exact date than that, even if they did put out an ‘official’ list.


Since the topic of this thread is “Batches Shipping Log”,

Please hold back your frustration. That does not help anyone.
This thread started very helpful, with people just posting their batch number and dates of recieving notifications, payment details and finaly the notebook shipment itself.

That used to be verry informative.
So please just post shipping logs here, so that this topic does not have to be closed!
My order (Batch 10) will probably be delayed, but i can live with that better when there is a way to get updated about the shipment process.

And that is what this topic started about.
Special thanks for everyone who shared their shipment log so far


guys pls discuss issue in respective threads , this thread was supposed to have just batches shipping info , so please patience and let the moderator not close it . and for now no comments on threads , till someone get batch 4 notification then it will be good to post here that batch 4 started getting emails .

so by 3/1/2024 we have 3 active batches none of them is complete as batches 1 users reported.

Batch 1 - Active
Batch 2 - Active
Batch 3 - Active
batch 4 - Awaiting


Do it!!!plz and ty

Cuz we’re not cool and only have limited info

Batch 3
DYI Ryzen 7 7840HS No dGPU
32GB Ram kit (2 x 16GB)
French Keyboard, no numpad, 2 silver spacers

2024-02-19T20:01:00Z - Preparing to ship
2024-02-29T19:34:00Z - Card charged
2024-03-01T10:09:00Z - Shipped
2024-03-XX - Delivered (hopefully)