Battery disconnect option

I haven’t been able to find a definite answer to this question anywhere: Can the “battery disconnect” option in the BIOS be used to power the laptop directly off AC power for long periods of time?

With remote work as it is, it would be super nice to have this option to avoid stress on the battery pack.

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Its a one time option, once you reboot it resets to off. So yes it is in the bios.


Damn. Well, thanks for that. I’ve read conflicting reports on this in the same thread, so I wasn’t sure who to believe; I guess I’ll consider this a (disappointing, but w/e) tiebreaker. Cheers

It would still work while charging, you just have to reenable it every shutdown or reboot.

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Ah, got it. And I just (facepalm) checked the BIOS article as well, which does explain this fully. For those of you who find this thread looking for the same info:

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This setting persists through shutdowns and reboots, you just need to enable the setting while your computer is plugged into AC, and keep it plugged in. If you remove AC and plug it back in, the battery will reconnect.