Disconnecting/reconnecting the battery?

I’ve read about the battery disconnect feature here but there seems to be some confusion about it. Here is another topic with confusion as well.

I want to use my Framework most times on a desktop with a lot of devices attached.
For this, I would like to unplug the battery so it can last longer.
When I need to take my laptop somewhere (whether inside the house or for a day trip/holiday) I’d like to reconnect the battery again.

Now my question is:

  • Does the BIOS disconnect the battery work as long as AC is plugged in, as in the latest post?

Also, I wonder if it would make sense to create a “battery switch” that is somewhat hard to accidentally press (or only possible if shutdown) in future generations to easily let someone switch from desktop to mobile setup?

Thanks all and have a great evening!

Battery disconnect is intended for disconnection to allow safe servicing of the laptop. Your best bet for extending battery service life is according to some to limit the charge maximum which is available in the BIOS. Personally I would not bother. I have a Thinkpad T480s with the original battery with no charge limits used on it in the last three years, that spent a lot of time plugged in and it still charges to 89% of the designed maximum.

As to a battery switch to turn it off internally between mobile and desktop…lots of issues spring to mind with that issue. Your battery is going to lose power over time anyway even if it is unplugged you switch it back to mobile … oh crap I am at 80% charge but I have to leave NOW … yeah screwed. I have it on desktop, power fluxuation, or split second outage, my laptop crashes, the cheap nvme drive I went with does not have power loss features and now my data is corrupted and the damn thing wont boot… FRAMEWORK WHY WOULD YOU SELL ME A LAPTOP THAT THIS COULD HAPPEN ON!!! … extra screwed, yeah I think everyone will want to pass on this idea.

Anyway I think this is a problem that is not a real problem with modern hardware and that the implementation of an option would simply create real issues that result in data loss. The ROI in this situation is negative. I would rather have the battery service life end a coupe of months sooner and replace it when needed than create an option where data loss is very real for the average user who does not have a real backup plan.

A very thoughtful and good reply. Thank you, @nadb.

I think you raise a few good points here, even though it’s kind of what I didn’t want to hear.

Will probably stick to the “specify charge limit” suggestion from other people but will no bother to disconnect the battery for now.

Thanks again!

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I don’t think you understood what disconnect battery does. Disconnecting the battery in the BIOS disconnects the battery for servicing. Once you do so you cannot power back on until it is plugged into a charger. Once it is plugged into the charger the battery is reconnected. If this was not the case I could accidentaily power on the laptop while servicing it. There is no way currently to mimic the behavior you want. The option of physically disconnecting the battery then adds in the issues of unnecessary wear and tear on the parts as you disassemble and reassemble the laptop, and to top it off the battery connector is not the sturdiest piece of gear there is as regards multiple disonnects and reconnects, i.e. it is intended to only be removed as part of other servicing or when it needs to be replaced.

So essentially charge limiting is the only viable option at this time, and really the only accessible option at this time, it is of questionable and long debated utility. Unlike with other laptops this battery is it, and you should hopefully be able to find a new replacement as long as Framework the company continues to do business. Also we should hopefully be able to reap the benefits of improved battery tech in the same form factor.