Choppy/laggy display with kernel 6.12 (Framework 13 Ryzen 7040)

Glad this is fixed. I reported (probably) the same bug in this thread: Fedora 41 on the Framework Laptop 16

I cannot reply in that thread anymore (as number of replies seem to be limited to 3 for new users), but I can confirm the problem went away with kernel 6.12.11 in Fedora 41 KDE for me too. Previously I also had to use longterm kernel 6.6 to be able to use my Framework 16.

I’m on arch using kernel 6.13.1 (the default linux package)
The choppiness didn’t go away at all. Perhaps on this stable branch the fix hasn’t been merged yet?
From it seems like 6.12 and 6.13 are two different stable branches.

Update: Tried the linux-lts package which has the version 6.12.12. The issue should be fixed on this version, according to comments above, but I still have it :frowning:

Now this is out of scope for Linux, but I feel the same issue on Windows 11. Cursor jumps after suddenly moving it, typing (although less but still) feels janky.
The touchpad is not pleasant to use at all.

You could disable PSR in Windows as well, as noted in this reddit thread.

For that you need to change the DWORD value of DalPSRFeatureEnable in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0000 to 0 and reboot your system.