Dual USB-C Expansion Card

Just came to say that I’d happily buy 2 over here in Australia regardless of price.
This is definitely something framework should have done from the beginning.

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Add me to the list of interested parties (UK), I would probably buy 2-3.

Just to throw my support behind this too, I would also buy one or two!

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I would be down for one, UK but can also get shipped to US if UK shipping isn’t possible.

+2 from me too, these would be killer for helping turn everything into USB-C


I wonder if Framework can work out a deal to mass produce this, it would be really cool to see official dual USB-C expansion cards.


@nrp is on record saying they don’t plan to, unfortunately: Thanks for this super detailed and correct response! We are holding our hope tha... | Hacker News. Of course, that was some months ago and with regards to making their own card rather than producing somebody else’s, so we can always hope… :upside_down_face:


Hi, if the price is not too high, I will be interested with 1.

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After having my Framework 13 AMD laptop for 1 week, I’ll definitely put this expansion on the bottom-left slot, which doesn’t support DP-Alt.

Until we have news of this expansion, I’ll keep yelling at clouds.


I just had a look at the schematic. It is a 4 port hub. Is it possible to add a few pads connected to one of the usb ports of the hub so that we could solder a unifying logitech receiver (we remove the plastic shell of the receiver and keep only the pcb and solder the connector of the usb-a receiver to your board, even if we might trim it to reduce the size of the usb-a contacts with a dremel)) ?

Maybe it is possible by increasing the size of the daughter board holding the male usb-c connector, we could put the unifying receiver PCB there ?


Guess what project got named dropped in New Year’s Eve Mastadon post from official account…


Got a link? TIA




So… Can I buy 2 yet? :speak_no_evil:

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Definitely down for 1. Read the whole thread. @tbe massive props to you for pulling through, finding the time and energy to overcome the obstacles along the way and making what started out as an idea, a reality! :raised_hands:

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Hello, just wanted to check back in.
I had a little much to do at work and had a few other things going on so I didn’t have too much energy recently to continue this project. But I’ll focus on getting the design to a in-theory production-ready state and would like to publish it.
Not sure yet how it’ll go from there since making a real product out of it and going through all the certifications required to sell it legally is way out of my financial (and most likely also technical) capabilities.
I’ll keep you updated :blush:.


Thank you for updating us! Good luck.

It would certainly be great if there was someone who could step forward to help with this… I also have no know-how about this.

Thanks for the update!
Im a big fan of this project and the possibility of having a dual usb-C card! Lots of respect and appreciation for your work!
Have you had contact with framework regarding these issues? I havent been active on the forum but believe reading a long time ago that they are open to supporting community initiatives on these fronts.

That would be great! By publishing, do you mean the design will be open-source? At least under a non-commercial license?

I guess that might be a significant hurdle, and I would hate it if such a great project got stuck on that… I’m not familiar with the regulations, but would it perhaps be possible to get around the standard requirements by selling the PCBs as a “USB-C development kit”, plus a separate enclosure that would happen to convert it into a Framework expansion card? :slight_smile:

By the way, I run a small EU-based e-shop specializing in DIY mechanical keyboard kits, so I would be happy to help offer the cards for sale in the EU.


I would love to buy from the eu! Do you ship to switzerland?

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