Fast charging and Power suppy module

I got a new Idea for a useful (and I believe not overly complicated) expansion module.

When traveling I usually carry only one power adapter for all devices and just charge the phone through the laptop. However this is quite slow as the USB ports usually only support proper USB-PD for input, not output.
By creating an expansion module, We could implement a USB-PD port and even add ports for proprietary charging standards (like Qualcomm and so on)

On the note of charging capabilities, I would also love to implement a user definable power supply with two banana plugs. This could than be used as a CC/CV power supply for charging LiPo batteries or for powering simple circuits.

But before diving deeper into this topic and drafting schematics, I would love to know If anyone else would be interested in such a module. (It would be too much work just for myself)
So please let me know what you think of this idea
