FedEx not delivering packages to forwarding service

Our Terms of Sale are pretty clear when it comes to supported countries/regions. By completing a purchase, you’re agreeing to the Terms of Sale for your country/region.


Perfect. That covers that then. Some people just didn’t really digest what “at your own risk” really entails.

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The confusing part about freight forwarding is that FedEx refuses to deliver to certain addresses(Doesn’t clear customs or whatever.).

So even when you want a framework delivered to a address in Germany, FedEx doesn’t do it even though framework is claiming to ship to Germany.

I would be absolutely happy to assume responsibility for the package after FedEx has delivered it to an address of my choosing in Germany. My intuition about how freight forwarding works might be wrong, but it seems very clear to me that what happens after FedEx delivers the package is my responsibility.

What if i choosed to ship it to a friend in Germany, and then they either forwarded it, or i could pick it up?

What if i shipped it to an abandoned building in Germany, making the package failed to be delivered at the chosen address but available for pickup at a FedEx location?

I could still receive the package and bring it over the border to Denmark(which is not really a thing due both countries being in the Schengen area)

What is the problem with delivering to certain addresses in Germany? It seems to me that all addresses should be equally good.

I really feel the title needs to be adjusted to this thread.

“Horrible support experience” is really misleading to new members of the community (my mom asked me about this this morning XD) and in this case not justified considering the OP is attempting to do something not supported and really isn’t something that Framework has much control over.


I absolutely does not agree with this, my support experience was horrible both at FedEx and at Framework.

Nobody was answering my support tickets for weeks. FedEx was not picking up the phone. That is shitty support. Twistgibber seems to have been able to help me with getting FedEx to do a RTS.

Im not getting my framework laptop, sad about it, but its okay. But me screaming af support ticket forms is not good at all. This thread was one of the last escalation options: Shaming them on their own forum. This worked because it got Twistgibber involved. Next step of escalation would have been to get my bank to do a charge back which is not fun for anybody.

My opinion is that FW should ditch FedEx and instead choose one of their competitors, that are more easy to cooperate with, and keep customers updated on their support tickets.


Try delivering to the White House.

Not all addresses are equally good.

I believe Tristgibber owned up to a response timeliness gap on Framework side.


He did, and respect to that. It is always nice to see people to own up to their failures.
Dealing with Twistgibber has been a super pleasant experience. 10/10


Is it bad that I kinda want to try this now? Maybe I can get Joe Biden to support R2R more if he receives one of these excellent laptops :thinking:


Thanks guys for being so awesome in this thread! - Really shed a light on everything regarding freight forwarding that was kinda unclear.

I was sorta thinking about freight forwarding but seems I’m just gonna wait a bit as Framework looks to be working at expanding their availability and scaling up a lot. - Good luck on that by the way! :metal:


This just kinda says you haven’t actually had a real “horrible” support experience yet. Having to wait for a response is nothing.

Plus Framework tends to be very clear about getting a faster response from the forum. Which you got in 6hrs…

“Thanks for reaching out. Please note that we’re able to respond more quickly to support requests through our Support Form​. Responses to emails may be delayed.”

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I renamed the thread title “Horrible support experience - Freight Forwarding” (someone already added “Freight Forwarding”) to “Being stuck and delayed responding with freight forwarding”. My intent is I think when describing the title by motion or verb rather than emotional words, the title can be more objective.


Okay this is bullshit.

[This is a misunderstanding apparently other user can edit title of posts]

“Being stuck by freight forwarding”, Should be “FedEx not delivering packages to forwarding service” or “FedEx and Framework support not responsive”
Freight forwarding has almost nothing to do with FedEx not doing their job.

Who is “they”? I renamed it. I am just a user, not a Framework employee. Everyone who has been active on the community forum can rename the thread title. I renamed the title “Being stuck and delayed responding with freight forwarding” to “FedEx not delivering packages to forwarding service" as you wish.


I don’t seem to have that option. That is an absolutely insane feature: Giving unrelated users editing power of other users post/titles

That does not seem like a great idea.

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Because every Discourse system (used in this forum) has a trust level system managing what you can do on the forum. As you post for the first time in this forum, your trust level is still “0”. What you can do is still limited. After you click “like” or comment more, you will get to the next trust level.


I don’t have it either. It probably comes from getting a certain amount of rep. from having your comments liked and what not. Seems like a normal Discourse thing to do.

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Well, even in the reality, trust is not given automatically, people have to gain trust by showing their behaviors. Do you open your house’s door and lend your house’s key to people whom you don’t know?

Yep @nomb85! You gain this ability once you’ve become a ‘Regular’.

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I will say though, ever since batch 1 of the 11th gen, FedEx has been nothing but issues for a lot of people. I do wish we had alternative options even if we had to pay for it ourselves.