Framework 13 Ryzen 7040: Suspend and wakeup issues / results

Currently I’m experiencing multiple issues that may be connected:

  1. Suspending my laptop in the evening with charged battery and no charger attached, it will not wake up from suspend next morning due to fully discharged battery
  2. Occasionally, when manually waking it up from suspend, it instead reboots

To inspect the latter, I use by

As root:


using 10 seconds / cycle, 4 seconds in between and 10 cycles in total.

Regarding issue 1: After few successful cycles, reports for all following cycles:
ERROR: :x: Did not reach hardware sleep state

Does not reaching hardware sleep state while “looking suspended” explain an increased battery drain?

Regarding issue 2: Chances are that within 10 cycles of the script my laptop will suspend, but when resuming automatically it will instead reboot.

Framework 13 Ryzen 5 7040
Firmware 3.06 (beta)
Arch Linux 6.12.8-1
No expansion modules except usb-c at slot 1

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