Currently I’m experiencing multiple issues that may be connected:
- Suspending my laptop in the evening with charged battery and no charger attached, it will not wake up from suspend next morning due to fully discharged battery
- Occasionally, when manually waking it up from suspend, it instead reboots
To inspect the latter, I use by
As root:
using 10 seconds / cycle, 4 seconds in between and 10 cycles in total.
Regarding issue 1: After few successful cycles, reports for all following cycles:
ERROR: Did not reach hardware sleep state
Does not reaching hardware sleep state while “looking suspended” explain an increased battery drain?
Regarding issue 2: Chances are that within 10 cycles of the script my laptop will suspend, but when resuming automatically it will instead reboot.
Framework 13 Ryzen 5 7040
Firmware 3.06 (beta)
Arch Linux 6.12.8-1
No expansion modules except usb-c at slot 1