Framework Community Forums - Feedback and Updates Thread

We have completed the first part of our tag revamp, now we have proper tags in place for Linux subcategories, Community Support and Community market. Planning to do the same for the Framework Laptop 13, Framework Laptop 16, Creators&Developers and General Topics categories, please let us know if you have any suggestions.


is there an option to look at all your posts and comments to be able to get back to posts you have commented on before?

i forgot about the activity tab, nevermind :slight_smile:


If you can provide some screenshots of this issue, I can share this with the engineering team, thanks!

Thanks for sharing, not sure if it’s possible to do anything about this :frowning:

Also, I have an update. We implemented a new change today: posts will be locked 6 months after no activity (no new replies) to prevent necro-posting. If you encounter an old post that has been locked due to this change and you’re experiencing a similar issue (or want to voice your interest) feel free to create a new post on the subject.

Please let us know if you have any comments about this


Looking at the forum today, I saw a lot more topics that had “This topic will close 6 months after the last reply” at the bottom of the posts. Is this a newly implemented “rule” on the forum, or is it just on an individual basis?

Some of the posts seem to not have it, while others do. If it is a preset, is there any way to disable it?

This is a newly implemented rule that will apply to all posts going forwards. Older inactive threads will be eventually closed. This is to prevent necroposting.

“We implemented a new change today: posts will be locked 6 months after no activity (no new replies) to prevent necro-posting. If you encounter an old post that has been locked due to this change and you’re experiencing a similar issue (or want to voice your interest) feel free to create a new post on the subject.”

Why is legit necro-posting a bad thing? I honestly don’t see why this is bad beyond someone just being “annoyed” for no reason? What am I missing here?


Kind of agree with @jared_kidd here. Why is necroposting bad? People creating new topics will lead to the same amount of activity in the forum’s feeds like “new” and “unread”, but new topics will lack a whole lot of context.

This is kind of also a reverse of the other behavior I’ve seen mods doing where they would merge multiple related topics into one.


I also have a concern about the new implementation to lock the threads with no activity for 6 months.

Could you explain what the “necro-posting” mean? Could you explain more about the reason why you implemented it?

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Whether a necro-post is good or bad seems to really vary to me. With the content of the thread and the substance of the (necro) post.

The annoying ones, that we usually call “necro-posts”, are in random fairly generic old threads and the necro-poster comes in with nothing of substance at all, or it’s no longer an issue for the OP. I do admit that these are annoying, wastes a tiny bit of time out of your day, but I don’t think it happens too frequently here. Most people here seem to recognize it as a bad necro-post that needs to be left alone so it can sink back to the bottom, so no one else comments & it dies.


Examples I’ve seen is where the OP has a minor issue or even just a question, and the necro-post comes to say nothing more than “me too”, or gives a basic answer to the OP’s question, where you suspect it’s not even an issue for the OP anymore. Either they’ve found a solution on their own, have moved to using something else, or they never sounded like they cared about it much to begin with, posted more as an observation!

But the trouble is that there are posts, that are “technically” necro-posts, that come in to add real substance, to an issue or subject that is still valid and ongoing. This is appreciated, so we don’t really call them nerco-posts so much. Especially when the OP or others add new posts discussing the new information, then the fact that it was technically a necro-post can go by barely even noticed. And in these cases it’s very helpful that the information wasn’t lost to a separate thread, where few noticed, because the more appropriate place was auto-locked.

Maybe if the time limit was increased, it could still catch the worst of the targeted necro posts, but affect useful posts less.


“Necroposting refers to the act of posting in a discussion thread that has been inactive for a long period of time, often several months or even years. This revives the thread, bringing it back to the top of a forum or subreddit, even though the conversation may no longer be relevant or active. Many online communities discourage necroposting to keep discussions timely and focused on current topics.”

(Thanks chatgpt)

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Okay. Thanks for your explanations about the necroposting.

You said “the conversation ‘may’ no longer be relevant or active”. So, you know that there may be cases that an added comment is relevant to the thread.

So how about the case of topic-specific threads like the following threads? In my understanding, these threads exist to chat for a specific topic rather than solve an issue. Especially in the first case of the “List of company or individually driven projects”, the thread’s first comment (wiki) has been updated silently constantly while additional comments are not added if someone doesn’t have a question about the topic.

If those threads are locked unintentionally, after the 6 months without added comments that is a problematic, isn’t it?


I started using a Chrome plugin that allows me to ‘fix’ UI stuff on websites I’m using.

This is how that image looks in my browser.


Post Details

Image Modal


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Trouble is that this time is very hard to define and, IME, can be very long.

I haven’t lurked in this particular forum for very long but it’s quite common in Github issue trackers for issues to lie dormant for many years and at some point someone “necro bumps” it with a new bit of info or even just brings the attention back again and it actually gets fixed.

Sometimes resolved issues also re-appear many years after they’ve been thought to have been fixed. I could see a case for not necro bumping those however.

In any case, I don’t really see a need for it to be forbidden, especially not for such small time frames such as 6 months.

I think there is a point where you can be reasonably sure that a discussion is not relevant anymore in tech (especially software) but even that would be on the order of a decade. We absolutely don’t care about how to index arrays in algol 68 anymore but it wouldn’t be first time someone fixes a bug that’s been open for a decade+ (looking at you Mozilla).
With hardware, I think many things are likely to stay relevant for even longer, especially given that we hopefully will be using our pieces of hardware for a fair bit longer than usual ;).

Given that the worst thing to happen is a slight annoyance of someone bringing irrelevant info to an old thread (which, on Discourse, can be dealt with quite nicely I might add), I think auto-closing threads does more harm than good.

Oh look at you ChatGPT, confidently being wrong…

(Reddit posts can’t be bumped.)


Thank you all for sharing your feedback about this, this is very valuable. We can adjust the timeframe or remove this function from certain categories :slight_smile:


I believe that leaving at least some sections such as Creators and Developers, Framework 13, and Framework 16 without time limits or longer time limits could be a more flexible approach to this.

Community Market and Community Support seem like two areas where if there have not been any responses in 6 months, it likely means either the author resolved the issue or sold the item.


That makes sense, we have received the same feedback from our community developers and removed this from the creators&developers category.