Framework Laptop Alternative Screens

I believe I have the perfect one for you - 90Hz, 1.07b colours(8bit + FRC). I’m still looking to find the right supplier for this but I will share more once i can test out a sample. If you’re based in Europe, do let me know, I can order an extra and ship one to you if I can validate the screen works with the FW13.


You’re doing god’s work. Thank you and good luck!

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What’s the screen resolution?

Its 2520×1680(226 ppi). The panel is the TL134GDXP02-0.

Unfortunately, this panel does not use the same 20455-040E pin used by BOE, and hence there needs to be a specific cable manufactured to use this. I am currently working on procuring a sample of the screen, as well as figuring out how to manufacture a custom cable for this display.

Will post more as I figure things out.


Nice, that’s finally a resolution usable for 2x scaling.

Have you seen this thread? There’s a successfully connected display to mainboard eDP using a board that handles different connectors on both sides.

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Thanks for this - I hadn’t seen it but it will come in handy. I might be able to modify this to convert the lanes into the specific wiring for the screen

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Just putting an update for anyone interested. The model I am working on right now uses a custom pinout that will require a custom logic that deals with the completely non-standard pinout plus weird backlight config. Thankfully the panel itself uses regular 4-lane edp protocol for data.

I am just waiting for a sample screen and logic board to arrive to really test out how this fits and will work in general. I am not sure what the demand will be like, but I am hopeful that this can be made into an aftermarket kit if people want it.


The Framework panel is the same size and resolution as the one in the Surface Laptop 13.5". So we should keep an eye on what Microsoft does with that product. They just introduced a Surface Laptop 6 for Business, which just updates from 12th gen Intel to 14th gen (all the other specs appear to have stayed the same), but it’s widely expected that they will introduce an ARM-based consumer version later this month and that may make some other changes as well.

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If you can make it work, there’ll be some market.
Coming off from an M1 with 225 dpi on 13.3" panel with crisp Retina scalin and then using Framework’s stock 200 dpi 13.5" panel with worse fractional scaling in Windows or suboptimal scaling in Linux, makes Framework an inferior production machine for me when compared to other high end machines with better ppi. So any display or a kit that offers a slightly better dpi, more output real estate or even less blurry text, I’d definitely buy.

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looks like it’s your lucky day :grin:


Do we know the Response Time of the new 2.8k 120hz Display?

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60hz was what was stopping me from ordering. Great job!

Posting my review of the 2 screens I have managed to finally test:

To note, I had received these screens before the new FW13 screen had been announced. However, as I was traveling, I couldn’t really test them out. Neither of these are perfect, and the new FW13 screen is definitely superior overall compared to either one of these.


Not sure if anyone is interested in larger screens, but I used a Inspiron 9700 4k 16:10 17” display. Using the framework edp ribbon cable and a female .5mm pitch to male .4mm pitch edp adapter.


I found this panel on eBay, it’s a replacement panel Surface Pro X, 2880x1920, 13 inches, should have 120hz of refresh rate, can anyone verify this would work with framework 13?

Welcome to the forum.
In general, if you want to know if a screen might be compatible, you need to find the pinout of the screen’s connector. Framework publishes their pinout on their github so that you can compare.

But I can tell that the screen you linked very likely will not work. I understand OLED screens usually use a different pinout from Framework’s, as well as different voltage. On top of that, that screen appears to be touchscreen without the touch part being on a seperate connector, that won’t easily work.