Framework Support Stopped Responding

I’m trying to go through the warranty process because my FW 13’s screen is broken. FW support was very responsive. I was able to get through most of the process in a single day of back and forths. They asked me to send pictures and I haven’t anything back ever since. I sent the pictures on Monday last week. I sent a follow up email on Thursday asking about progress and didn’t get a response then either. Framework has had issues in the past of receiving support emails so I’m starting to think that’s what’s going on here. I am fine with waiting but I don’t think support is even getting my emails anymore.

If Support has replied to you successfully, it’s likely not that they aren’t receiving your emails. It would help to give dates with the exact number day that you received messages, but Support has a bit of a backlog right now, so it takes them about 5 business days to reply right now. Was it Monday the 1st, or Monday the 8th that you last received a message? If it’s the 1st, then there may be a problem, but if it’s the 8th, then I would wait to see if you get a response in the next week. Along with this, are you using a mainstream email provider, or a private email server? again, if you’ve gotten replies, it’s not unlikely, but it’s possible that your spam filter started incorrectly marking their emails.

It wouldn’t be the first time it is has happened though. No response from support after initial reply (9d now)

We were almost talking in real time via email up until the email where I sent the pictures.

I run my own email server. For improved deliverability, I relay through mailgun.

No, there’s nothing in my spam folder.

I already know I just need a new screen. I’m thinking of just buying a new one myself and hoping support will credit me later. Is that a thing support does? If support decides not to cover under warranty I’d have to get a new screen anyway so it doesn’t make that much of a difference.

Hi Jeremy, we are receiving your emails, but we have a bit of a backlog in the internal escalation queues, we are hoping to solve that soon and reply to you (and other affected customers) as soon as possible, thanks for your patience.

I got a reply shortly after Destroya’s post. My feedback for support would be to keep people in the loop when response times change and when escalation occurs. Thanks everyone.

Thanks for informing everyone, Jeremy. I’ll share this with our support team. We definitely should be informing the laptop owners who are awaiting our replies from support as often as possible. Thanks for understanding.