Framework Wikipedia pages

Yes that makes sense

I added a little more content to the Framework Computer - Wikipedia . One note: Framework has the Red*tt community. But when I added the commit including the URL, the Wikipedia bot immediately reverted the commit, sending the following message to me. For someone who wants to try to edit the Wikipedia, take care about it.

I added the support section.

The benefits are to reduce a mount of the contact to the customer support, and to guide users to proper discussion threads on this forum.

I added the “A company or individual driven projects” section at the wikipedia page.

I added the “Embedded controller (EC) firmware” section on the wikipedia page. If you have a suggestion to make it better, please let me know. Thanks.

Hi @Tyler_S and @Caleb_Majeski, is it possible for you to declare a CC (Creative Commons) license for the following image you guys created at Framework Fan Art 🎨🖌️ - #46 by Caleb_Majeski ? Because I would like to use the image on Framework’s Wikipedia page - “A_company_or_individual_driven_projects” section.

I think the image is very nice to describe the “individual driven projects” on Wikipedia. Thanks.

Hi @nrp, is it possible for you to declare a CC license for the following image on the company blog? Because I would like to use the image on the Framework’s Wikipedia page as a top image.

For a proper license, seeing how to upload an image to Wikipedia, to upload and image on Wikipedia, the image license needs be to Creative Commons 0 (CC0 = Public Domain) or one of the Creative Commons (CC) license.

Here is a reference for the CC license. If you don’t have a preference, I suggest CC BY-SA 4.0 license, that is the latest version of “CC BY-SA” license. Seeing the other images on Wikipedia, I see the license is often used.

For a business perspective, I think it’s a good idea for Framework to create a GitHub repository on Framework’s GitHub for free materials (images, videos) for people to reuse or redistribute easily without asking, to spread the Framework. The repository name could be such as FrameworkComputer/free-material with a CC license file.

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@nrp , sorry to ping you again. Is it possible for me to upload this photo for my Framework Laptop including your company’s logo to Wikipedia? I need to get a permission from you for me to upload it according to the this page.

  • You can also upload photos from this page by yourself.
  • You can refer my github repo
    to share your creatives using your GitHub repo with CC license. According to my research, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 (cc-by-sa-3.0) license is the best to be used on Wikipedia. You can see this page for details.

I think photos on Framework Wikipedia page are effective. People often check Wikipedia page before buying in my opinion.

@junaruga I’m happy to put my artwork into the public domain, is there any particular process for declaring CC?

Thanks! I am really not sure about it. But I assume reading this page, that you just declared it now here might be good enough.

with two exceptions

You can upload someone else’s work if the author granted permission for anyone to use, copy, modify and sell it.

Reading this page, the possible ways are to upload your images to Creative Commons or Wikipedia or Wikipedia Commons, or just create GitHub repository with the license info, and etc?

Product photography that you take yourself should fall under fair use, so no problem on uploading a photo of a Framework Laptop.

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Thanks nrp! Now I was able to upload my own Framework Laptop photo from the Upload Wizard.

Notes for someone who wants to upload your photo to use on the “Framework Computer” Wikipeida page.

  • Here is the screen shot to select your license. The default was “CC By-SA 4.0” (not 3.0), and you can select another license too (such as CC0) by clicking “Use a difference license” link.

  • You can’t change the uploaded file name after you upload it. You can only change the publish status from public to private by requesting it to the admin. See here. So, take care your image file name to be uploaded. In my case, the file name was “framework_laptop_sway_community_forum_small.png”. It’s not cool. But I uploaded it unintentionally and using it, compromising

  • The File syntax to show the photo on the Wikipedia is like this.

    [[File:Framework laptop sway community forum small.png|thumb|upright|''Framework Laptop'']]

@Tyler_S I think now the process to declare the license for your wallpaper image is to upload your artwork (wallpaper) to WikiMedida Commons from the WikiMedia’s Upload Wizard first after creating your account on WikiMedia. In the process of the uploading the image, you are asked the lincense. Then Caleb is going to upload his wallpaper later considering your license.

Could you do that? Thanks!

Sorry just moment. Sorry for confusing you.

@Tyler_S, assuming that you declared the license CC 0 on this thread is good enough, now
@Caleb_Majeski uploaded his wallpaper to WikiMedia Commons. And I referred the image from the Framework Computer Wikipedia page. The page is even nicer now :slight_smile: Thanks for your help!

I added a photo of Framework Laptop at the Design Museum - the exhibition “Waste Age: What can design do?” to the Framework wikipedia page.

I contacted the museum to get a permission to use the photo on the page, then fortunately they helped me by providing the photo and the details of the exhibition and suggested sentence for the page.

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@Caleb_Majeski How you noticed your wallpaper was removed by Wikipedia (and maybe Wikimeida commons too)? The following URL is the change. I noticed this months ago. Though it might be wrong, but in my memory, it was deleted at Wikimedia commons first.

I just took a look at the Wikipedia article and I just wanted to say that you did an amazing job :slight_smile: The edits seems to be mostly yours. Cheers.


@Starlight Thanks for your kind words. Honestly I don’t think that I am mostly editing this page, is the best situation in terms of sustainability and scalability of this page. So, maybe I should share why I am doing this, and what my motivation is here.

Because I think Wikipedia is one of the most seen pages by people who consider buying or try to find the latest update. So, if the page is more attractive and fair in the guideline of Wikipedia, more people consider buying, then Framework earns more money, and the company hires more people, then the company can execute what they plan, and can care about users more. The situation is beneficial for users including me. And the company can save advertisement fees.

As I had seen this community forum relatively longer, I had an idea of how to describe this company’s big picture, and I wanted to output it in a sustainable way.

I am happy to communicate with other editors on Wikipedia. They kindly give feedback to improve the page to me. The place is where I can work by my intrinsic motivation. And I can quit this activity any time when I lose the interest. And it’s not a problem at all. Someone may continue to do this. This is another good thing for Wikipedia.

How the Wikipedia page’s sections are structured is one of my expressions for the big picture of the company.

In the case of Framework’s business, it is a business targeting the long tail or horizontal approach that aims to maximize one layer’s market share. In the case of Framework, the layer is a laptop hardware. Imagine 3 layers: 1. CPU, 2. Laptop hardware, 3. OS.
To achieve the horizontal approach, Framework needs to collaborate and co-create with communities and partner companies (e.g. CPU:, Intel, AMD, Arm, IBM, RISC-V). So, the current “Partner relations” section is to measure the company’s horizontal approach. The “A company or individual driven projects” section is about Framework’s ecosystem.

Other contents are important notes for people trying to buy such as Shipping forwarding service is not supported by Framework. I wanted to reduce the repeated same questions in the forum by a way I can do.

Seeing e.g System76’s Wikipedia page, currently missing section is “History” to describe the company’s events, such as “In MM YYYY, the company was founded …”, and “the company was funded by …”.

The tech specs (CPU, memory and other parts product names) were not my interest. Because it was covered by Arch Wiki - Framework Laptop page. And it’s hard to maintain the info on Wikipedia just alone by me.

And again following the guideline of Wikipedia is the first priority.


Here is I wanted to write mainly today :smile:

This change is my change. As I forgot to login to Wikipedia, IP address is shown instead of my account name,

But the important note for Framework and media to keep in mind is to respect Open Source licenced images. A great sincere media respecting this is Tom’s Hardware. Look at the page, and you see image credit on each photo. When the article was published, the licence was MIT, that maybe requires to show the license holder’s name. I hope all the media would add image credit for each image like Tom’s Hardware when they use it on the media or SNS.

@junaruga Just agreeing with this acknowledgment, very well written.