FW13 Intel 12th Gen 3.08 BIOS update - Does it fix the 1st Gen HDMI card battery drain issue?

After it was announced, I upgraded my Framework 13 (Intel 12th Gen) to the latest 3.08 BIOS update. In the release notes, it mentions:


8. Reduce power consumption when DisplayPort/HDMI Expansion cards are used

I have a 1st Gen HDMI expansion card, for which there exists a hardware fix for its battery drain issues. Does the 3.08 fully resolve the power draw issues, or would I still need to perform the hardware fix?


I would like to know the answer to this question - please can you advise us frame.work?

Hey there, I followed up this issue with our internal teams.

Looks like we had a typo in the 3.08 release notes, power consumption issue is not resolved with the 3.08 update, we are planning to address this in the future releases.

However this fix won’t solve the issue with the 1st gen expansion cards, it will only work on 3rd generation HDMI cards or 2nd generation DP cards (or DP cards that have the 2nd gen firmware applied).


I think it should also work on 2nd gen HDMI cards right?

IIRC Framework has stated that the 2nd and 3rd gen HDMI cards have the same power tweaks, but the 3rd gen has a fix to improve compatibility with some displays.