FW16 Batch 1 Guild

Mine still hasn’t shipped :frowning:

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The overarching lesson I’m seeing here is “call FedEx and explicitly ask if they’ve had everything make it through customs” before putting in for time off of work.


Sounds like extreme incompetence by FedEx. If it hasn’t cleared customs, then how is it even on the truck in the first place?


That’s exactly it. But FedEx being incompetent is something to which I’m sadly accustomed at this point. If there were an option to have my order shipped via literally any other courier, I’d avail myself of it.

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On the one hand, live and learn.
On the gripping hand, FedEx is apparently what is known as an “Unreliable Narrator.”


Maybe. Or they put it on a truck and then the Customs Agent onsite asked an hour later, “whaddya mean you put them out already? I have a very specially prepared thumb drive here to ‘inspect’ them with first!”
This can’t be the first time this has happened, based on the stories here.

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On the gripping hand, FedEx are apparently what is known as an “Unreliable Narrator”.

Hahahaha. You’re not wrong!


I’m GLAD that FedEx plane crashed in Castaway.


It is so surreal seeing so many FedEx issues and hate here. All of my shipping woes have been from UPS (leaving a very expensive package sitting on my porch even though it clearly said signature required, watching the truck drive right past my place and the tracking number updated to say no one was there, and other delayed deliveries).

FedEx on the other hand has always been amazing for me. Even with my FW16.

I was walking trash down to the bins when the truck passed me by. I hurried back and the driver pulled up to me and asked who I was. I replied, and he said with a smile, “Yeah, I saw you watching my truck and thought it might be for you” and handed me my FW.


I’m in the same boat. No RGB keyboard or LED matrix or anything, but here we are.


JarrodsTech has it.

Check at 9:21 for speakers and latencymon.


Funny your example about UPS being the bad one is a story of how they DELIVERED your package when they apparently shouldn’t have. :smiley:

FedEx for me is always a mixed bag. They almost never deliver when the tracking says it will. And they often have it delivered by USPS for the last leg which delays it another day. They also tend to throw the package at my door. I even had a monitor I bought make it to one of their warehouses on tracking and then completely stop (obviously it was stolen by someone at that point, the box has all the specs printed on the outside). Then there is the FedEx driver who abducted a 7yo girl last year near me and murdered her. Yeah, FedEx is on the naughty list.


You know, that last sentence might be a bit of an understatement. What the fuck?!


It’s down to individual drivers for almost all these services, unfortunately. My mailman for two decades retired and my neighborhood threw a party because he did all the stuff you mention, except murdering people (well, I’m assuming). Also have had FedEx drivers toss packages up the stairs to our landing, and seen on our doorbell camera how they tumble down… Sigh. UPS in my area is rock solid. Most of these people are in a route long term around us.

In other news, assembly went extremely well, only complaint is the touchpad spacers aren’t lining up flush when situated next to each other (touchpad to the left). The keyboard feels great, the touchpad is better than the Gen 1 Framework 13 I have, and the screen is nice. So far, I’m happy.


Absolutely STOKED by these results. Could shape up to be a killer music production laptop.


That’s because FedEx Ground is really a bunch of different contractors handling last-mile delivery. UPS at least has control over their entire operation from the time they receive a package for shipment to the time they actually hand off or deliver a package to the customer.


FedEx Ground only? Because FedEx as a service is hit or miss in my neck of the woods. Same with the USPS - they’re the entire reason I use a PMB. Even Amazon, with their rotating cast of characters is generally better than either FedEx or USPS around here. Not that I can do anything about it, just pointing out that it’s regional/local and probably individual…

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Yeah. FedEx Express is actually run by FedEx themselves.

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Train your memory in minutes a day!® :joy:


…get out. (Edit: This was a joke in response to a joke. Not sure why it was flagged, but okay, I guess.)