FW16 Batch 1 Guild

update, i’ve managed to have them let me pick it up today, so i’ll be doing that once i get off work and my roommate’s back home


I was notified by my PMB that they received it. Strangely they left a message to pick it up ASAP because it’s large. :rofl: They’ve received giant blinds for windows for me before and I never saw such a request.


there’s someone in the discord server who’s insistent that i can’t get it yet because the whole pallet’s not been cleared

however, unfourtunately for them, i’m stubborn and am looking forward to either posting a photo of my box or sheepishly admitting they’re right


I don’t know for sure, yet, but I sincerely hope I will be able to do the same. Fingers crossed for you!

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im currently at my local distribution center, there seems to be some confusion so im waiting for them to figure things out

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Called FedEx earlier they told me the whole pallet had to be cleared. They told me only 20ish out of 120ish left. It was done in an hour.

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Pickup was a breeze here: great big hand written “CLEARED” sticker on mine. Big box, but not as big as my PMB led me to believe. :roll_eyes:


it seems like mine was in a superposition of cleared and not cleared, they just said screw it and tried giving it to me and it worked


Here is the photo of the inside

sorry, but I don’t have the photo of the metal cover. There is a long pink strip of a thermal pad on it (I guess), above the area where SSD is


here is what I got:
one A4 poster,
two sticker packs,
one fabric patch (I’ve no idea how to use it),
paper propaganda


Most fabric patches are heat activated (i.e. you iron it)


Hi Destroya,

I did not receive the patch/poster or other paper inserts etc in my FW16 packaging.

Heard any other reports of this?

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Please reach out to support team directly (I believe they were supposed to be in the big white envelope you might have seen in the other pictures)


Alright so typical pads already then. No major flex issues but I’ll likely still request when the fix is out. My standards must be lower than tech youtubers :sweat_smile:


yea, they have not installed their spyware into the hardware yet, as it basically is opensource stuff :} See what they did with Cisco equipment in the past.

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… Surely not the first time, families being families and all :sweat_smile:

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That’s some architecture there. I was kind of hoping to modify my existing Dell Vostro laptop stand to fit the framework…

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Anyone else in Europe getting a very confusing travel history from FedEx?
It still says the package is expected to arrive on Monday but it went from Taiwan via the Philippines to China and from there to Paris where the customs clearance was done and then back to China, to India and now it apparently is in Dubai…
But that seems to be a very strange route for a package to be delivered to Germany… Or is that just some FedEx logic I don’t understand?

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Mine to the UK wasn’t quite that bad, but this is my tracking:

Was originally due for delivery yesterday and now looks like it will be next week. :frowning:


Like many are finding out I just want to offer a big shout-out to whomever is involved in the decision making process that led me to take half a day off work yesterday so I could sign for the imminent delivery of my laptop because FedEx put my package on the truck, and stopped outside my house, only to quickly drive away. All while continuing to assert in the tracking that it was still coming. All day. Until they finally admitted that it needed to be “inspected” for customs.
And by shout-out, I mean #### you. Whoever you are.

It’s back on the truck today. So there’s that.

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