FW16 Batch 1 Guild

Ah, damn. Well, should still be able to cut down on the price by removing other components. Might be a solution.

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Ah that explains it! Many thanks A-Green. Trust me to find the one configuration that isn’t supported! I tried other configurations last night and they all fitted fine. But understanding the limitation of positioning of the touchpad relative to the keyboard explains everything.

Thanks all.


No luck here, I keep checking back to see if anyone else said anything. Hoping for maybe another update today… I am so in need of a new laptop


Nope. Considering the factory supposedly reopened and started manufacturing on the 19th, you’d expect to be some movement, but no.

I think Framework needs to be a heck of a lot more transparent on the parts that are held up, especially considering there’s a LOT of unfulfilled batch 1 orders with no special components which still haven’t shipped, while Framework is shipping to batch 3 customers, (some) with the same config as unfulfilled batch 1 orders.


Just a correction: No batch 3 customer has been charged as of this moment. We just received the “preparing batch” email on 19th, which mentioned a range of 3-21 days for shipping. The first few lucky customers will hopefully get charged today or tomorrow.


This is the weird thing. It seems they have stopped shipping out batch 1 orders and started on 2 and 3. I haven’t seen any more people from batch 1 post that they have been charged/shipped to in the past few days. While batch 2 and 3 have been getting them. And like you said, many of us do not have the macro pad which was the big hold-up.

I have a theory that certain Batch 1 orders are stuck in a “shortage loop” where the “new” (later) orders steal the rare parts off of the delayed orders causing the delayed orders to get even further delayed.


If I don’t get an “update” email later today, I will probably reach out to support. I have been thinking about canceling recently anyway due to all the problems.

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Others have tried the same. The email they get back is “they cannot provide exact ship-date information” or something along those lines.

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As an ambassador from Batch 3, I’d like to clarify that none of us have actually received a shipping notice yet, or even have had a credit card charged according to my sources. They’re still building and shipping Batches 1 and 2, so it’s not quite as bad as if there were two batches progressing ahead of you. That’s 50% less batches!

I do hope those of you who are seemingly in limbo for no apparent reason based on available information eventually get some clarification as to what held up your order. I think it’s more likely than not as Framework doesn’t seem too prone to brushing things under the rug, but it’s tough to say if even they can explain it.

I know it’s small consolation at this point in the transaction of expectations, but ultimately you will get your machine, just as if you had ordered a few hours later than you actually did. Maybe that perspective that can help ease the frustration?


I understand your frustration (I ordered within a minute or two of the preorders opening but I ordered a macropad). That said, it seemed clear from the first macropad delay email that the manufacturer there is not being nearly as transparent or open with Framwork about issues. I can’t say for certain, but if that’s the issue again, Framework may be still sharing everything they know and expecting a macropad shipment any day now even if it’s actually been delayed again.

EDIT: I really hope someone at Framework just dropped the ball though and didn’t tell us that they have already received a shipment and are preparing to assemble orders containing the macropad.


I just really hope for an update today.
It’s been two weeks, and while they said they might not keep that pace they would hopefully see that there is some community concern and provide us one.


I know, I had my laptop (Razer) stolen around a year ago and when I heard about the 16, I decided to pre-order it instead of buying a new Razer. I hate not having a laptop on trips.


Framework: PLEASE be more open on components waiting and why. The last update said the 19th for the Macro pad, and still nothing. Or be the good guys and get the laptops out without macro pads and then send them later once everything has been worked out. Please have someone post a daily blog update for stuff waiting and the status of the shipping or something to keep people informed.

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The last update said the 19th was when the factory that was manufacturing the MacroPads would reopen. It never stated that production started on the 19th or that they would have a shipment on the 19th. Some factories will use the days before or after a complete shutdown to service machines/lines or clean stuff that cannot be cleaned during production. There is a strong chance that production didn’t start until the 20th or even yesterday. :cry:


But it’s not even the macro pads. Most of us don’t even have it on our order.

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Yeah, I heard. I have the RGB keyboard also, but it needs more openness and notifications.


I did the same and after pressing my ticket, it got escalated. Then I got a response stating that my order had been charged and submitted to the shipping partner. Then this morning I got my tracking information for Monday delivery. A few days ago I checked to see if any of my expansion modules were back-ordered, but when I added them to the cart, none of them reported being out of stock. So I’m unsure what was holding it up and what changed to finally get them to ship it.

Here was their response:

Thank you for your patience, this case was escalated for review, and checking your account it does appear that your pre-order has been charged and transmitted to our 3rd Party Logistics partner (3PL) for fulfillment.

We completely understand your frustration at seeing orders in a later batch ship before yours. The important thing to note is that everything is dependent on every part of your order (as you configured it) being available to ship together. We do not split shipments given we ship directly from Taiwan to the customer, regardless of where they are geographically. Here is the order of priority for determining shipping position:

Product Availability (all items) > Batch # > Timing of Order Placement

While we do everything in our power to make sure that we close out a Batch before starting to ship the next one, depending on product/SKU availability, which can be complicated by manufacturing yield issues, quality control checks, etc., it may be necessary to start shipping certain SKUs from the next batch while we await the incoming product. That said, when the product arrives, it is prioritized first, and is shipped as quickly as we can receive the inbound, pack, and ship the full order out. This is so that our logistics/warehousing partner is not sitting on idle resources as they are assigned to handle our outbound shipments and that the backlog of shipments do not start queueing up to cause other downstream delays.
Framework Support


Either it’s a terrible coincidence, or they checked your order and pushed it back in the queue. This is infuriating. Now I’m wondering if support even checked mine or just told me mine was fine to pacify me. I’m going to go check all my modules like you mentioned and see if any of mine are on backorder. This is ridiculous.


Where can you check if parts are on backorder?