FW16 Batch 1 Guild

That looks damaged. How was it packaged? You think it happened in shipping?

I’m still waiting to get charged. :frowning:


Yeah, that looks actually damaged. I’d reach out to Framework for a replacement. OK enough for the meantime, but that’s some kind of damage, if it’s slightly bent like that. Unless you can manually bend it back carefully and be happy with it. Might be able to, carefully.


Nah it was deep in the packaging and attached to the laptop. Almost zero chance this happened during shipping.

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@nrp I hate to ping you directly, but you’d be one of the only ones to know how this happened lol

The trackpad and side panels were attached to the laptop already when I unboxed it and one of them is bent like this. Would this happen during manufacturing?

To be clear, I’m not bothered, it’s more of a mystery that I’m curious about lol

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Hey, please reach out to our support team directly (and feel free to ping me if you feel uncomfortable pinging Nirav)


Has anyone with the Linux keyboard been charged yet?

Or should I open an official support ticket and whine?


I opened a support ticket last week just asking if there was any problem with my order…
Their initial response was some canned answer to a question I never asked: “we cannot provide exact shipping dates”. Duh, I know lol.
I pressed once more and got a response that there is no issue with my order. So that’s what I have to assume is true.

I imagine you would get a similar response if you submitted a request.

The wait is more painful now that batch 2 and 3 are both shipping. Feeling forgotten. I do wish they would provide an update on what the hold up is since I’m NOT ordering the macro pad. I was hopping my support ticket would get that info, but they aren’t sharing.


Feeling forgotten… yeah, that’s a great summary of how I feel right now.

Forgotten Workstation 16 - Batch 1


Can someone with the numpad try this configuration, move the trackpad to the far right and put the two spacers to the left. This will shift the trackpad to the right, handy for gaming. I tried it and I don’t think it’s fitting right, something is bulging up (see picture attached)

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I am pretty sure they stated somewhere that the TouchPad can only be offset 1 spaced from the center of the keyboard.


You might want to reach out to support for this. But before you do, please make sure that midplate is seated correctly and the screws are tightened evenly. Maybe change the location of the spacers to find the root cause. It’s a bit hard for me to see the bulging from this angle, so if you end up reaching to the support team, please make sure that you provide pictures from other angles.


I reseated the mid-plate and made sure that the screws were tight but not overly tight. Here’s another picture from a slightly different angle. Also if I move the trackpad back to the middle with a spacer either side, it looks ok.

Thanks for the picture, now I see that it’s the trackpad, I thought it was the spacer. If it looks weird when you take it out, please contact the support team directly.

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From the startup guide @ Framework Laptop 16 Pre-Built Quick Start Guide - Framework Guides


Good catch, it was hard to see because of the angle. if the keyboard is aligned to the left side, trackpad can be located in the middle or to the left, under the keyboard.


Story time: I placed my order within 15 minutes of the Framework 16 pre-order going live. I have yet to be charged or notified of an issue. I had some unexpected things happen last week and now I have to move to a new apartment, which has drained my account below the remaining cost of my order.

I feel like if they had better communicated what is going on, and shipped my order as I planned for them to a month ago, it would have been easier to keep the $2,200 in my bank account.

Now, I don’t know what to do. Any advice? I really need a new workstation. I don’t want to cancel my Batch 1 pre-order.

Think if I beg, they’ll let me split it into two payments or something? I could give them a good yelp review or something. :sweat_smile:


Got my tax return. :tada: All is well!


I was very late, over 1 hour, but still in batch 1


Could maybe try removing certain parts from your order? if you have RAM and SSD in the order for example, you could remove those and order it later. Or if you have the GPU, you could swap to the shell and get the GPU later (I’d say that’s last resort though, as not only will it cost you $100 in the long run but it’d probably be a while before you can order the GPU on its own). But you could probably shave a few hundred off your order with stuff you could purchase at a later date (but still before you would get it if you canceled and re-ordered)


adjusting the presence/absence of the gpu requires cancelling and placing a fresh order – at the back of the queue.

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Anyone see orders with macro pads ship yet? Last update I saw about it was dealing with the 19th.