FW16 Batch 12 Guild

Updated my spreadsheet for Batch 12 notifications on recent notifications.
Looking better all the time.


Batch 11 got emails today. So…

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Wow! Framework is really smashing through these batches.

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Guess most likely next Monday I’ll be getting my emails.

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I’ve just receive my prep email


Just got my email as well!

Happy Birthday Party GIF by The Office


Got mine too. Huzzah!

This just arrived in my email.

Your order is shipping soon! Your order is expected to ship between 4 and 21 days from today. We’ll charge the remaining balance of $XXXX to the default saved payment method on file.


Well, now I’m forced to buy all the extra parts I need.

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I’m from France, I just received my shipping preparation email, I’m so happy.


Hi from Oz. Just woke up to my “We’re preparing your batch!” email… Ya. So happy that it’s finally happening. Can’t wait. Cheers

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Just got mine as well, Florida US

Mine too! Time to celebrate!

Got my email here in the UK as well, so better get some RAM in real quick. I have a 4TB 2280 SSD and three 256GB 2230 SSDs, so all set for disk. Looking to get 96GB RAM.

I am batch 12, and seached email, and nothing yet.
My order date was 9/19/2023 Sept 19.

Looks like we tried to send you the email as well but something might have gone wrong on your email inbox/settings.

Please let us know if you receive the replies from our support team or when someone replies to your messages on the forum.

Eventually. Right now they only have 48GB SODIMM, but they’ve announced they intend to go to 64GB. I haven’t seen anything on when though. And since FW has 2 slots, that’s 128GB. I believe AMD has 256GB as the max for this generation on the memory controller, or mahbe more, so if you had 4 slots you could go 256GB. Rare in laptops, so you’d most likely need a desktop for that.

Maybe in a couple of years we’ll start seeing CAMM2 modules, which is exciting, for both speed and potentially lower power and perhaps physically slightly more compact.

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I am using Thunderbird email client on Linux.
Nothing escapes it. So I do not understand how that can happen.
What are my options?

I sent a DM, and will add this to that.
I did receive a forum message from

noreply@mail.frame.work on 3/21/24. Nothing since then.