FW16 Batch 12 Guild

Thunderbird is your mail client, not your email provider. Your email provider (gmail, hotmail, yahoo, whatever) is the one that Framework is Destroya is saying might be blocking/rejecting it.

I am well aware of that. My email provider is a large ISP here in indiana.
I have had this email for decades, since the days of 300 baud modems.
I have checked the Webmail client to that account and nothing is there back to early April.

Just checking, since you specifically mentioned that Thunderbird ā€œNothing escapes itā€.

Something weird going on, not sure. Does the search include the spam folders? Not sure if that webmail client will or not, although if Thunderbird is connected to that and you checked there, then Iā€™d have thought youā€™d have seen it.

Iā€™d contact your email provider then, seems strange theyā€™d just drop it.

I have been getting email, but a couple regarding my order specifically have not arrived. One is the latest, and one before was for adding to the order.
Hmmmmm. Does adding cause an issue?

Hm, interesting. Nothing since Mar 27 there, and even then itā€™s the Discourse, not other FW emails. Which there have been some FW email updates since Jan 11. Somethingā€™s going on thatā€™s blocking the direct from Framework emails from you. Not sure if itā€™s going to spam folder, or being simply dropped or blocked, or what. Iā€™d contact your email provider, and FW support direct if you havenā€™t already. And if you donā€™t hear back from them direct in a day or two, tag Destoya or someone from FW and asking them if theyā€™ve sent an email reply. Cause if they have, someone needs to dig into email server logs and figure out whatā€™s going on.

No, not spam or any such like that. There is a trash folder, but no Spam per se.
Anyway, I set up a filter that operates FIRST before anything and copies incoming to a Framework folder.

Are you certain your email provider doesnā€™t have any kind of filtering going on? Virtually everybody these days does have a spam filter on everything, before it ever hits anybodyā€™s inbox. Usually filters it out to a separate junk/spam folder. Iā€™d be pretty surprised if your mail provider doesnā€™t have that, these days.

I put a ticket into the ISP to find if there are any such issues.

Using webmail (which I never use cuz I donā€™t need toā€¦) I checked everything and it is clean. About 3 weeks back of incoming, and every other folder is clean.
I have had this email for decades, and no issue.

Huh. Very strange. But itā€™s the Internet, and you never know what random checkbox someone accidentally checked and suddenly some edge cases that you donā€™t realize for some time arenā€™t working right anymore.

Yes, you never know.
I do not read the community messages on email, but because of this I noticed that I have not gotten any of those in April, though I did before.
Something is up.

Had a Fedex truck pull up outside today.
Shucks, it was a package much too big to be an FL16, and it was going to a neighbour ā€¦ :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:


sigh not charged yetā€¦

It usually takes over 4 days after the first email before that starts (and if thereā€™s a weekend, even longer)

Iā€™m just being impatient. Extremely impatient.

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I know the feeling.
I am getting forum emails again. Nothing yet from Batch 12, though the initial email was sent, which I did not get. The rest should be fine.

Well thatā€™s a good start.

You hear anything back from your email provider?

I heard pretty quickly from them.
There was nothing wrong in setup on Thunderbird or the ISP on my account.
They did find that:

I said that their (frame.work) domain is classified as having spam-like characteristics. And while you might not consider them spammers, someone else (and likely lots of someone elseā€™s) did which is what got their domain to gain a negative reputation.
And I already whitelisted them

It worked after that. My guess is that somehow in marketing Framework, they may have pushed the limit somehowā€¦resulting in this. That can be fixed by FW pursuing the fix. It might hit someone else too. I let them know already.

I also did a small config on Thunderbird to make the email inbox line for FW RED so I will notice it better.

Yikes! That sucks. Who knows whatā€™s happened, sometimes itā€™s pretty easy to get put on one (out of several!!) of those lists that get used commonly, and you never know why or how or whom, and it can be next to impossible to get taken off of them.

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No email, nothing in spamā€¦
waiting ā€¦ waiting ā€¦ waiting ā€¦ :pray:

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Shipping Chart says that we should get our card mails prior to Batch 11 laptop arrival ā€¦ So I am sure weā€™ll get our cards charged/card emails before the weekend