FW16 Batch 12 Guild

ooh Remaining amount due… 0!

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Oh wow.
My credit card online says pending!

Crazy, just got shipping email!

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Just got the shipping email aswell

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Where are you based?

I’m in the UK. Got a pending transaction but no emails yet…

similar from germany: card charged (giropay) but no shipping yet …

Same here.

Not really paid much attention to what I’m waiting for, a payment or shipped enail, but it will come when it comes.

United States


Kind of sad as I am leaving for a conference on Saturday and will not be back home until next Saturday so I will have to wait till then to set it up.

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I’m based in Germany got charged yesterday and today got the shipping notification

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I find it hard to imagine that it’s really going to happen


I’m USA, and FedEx doesn’t have a date estimate yet. Probably next week early, we’ll see. Unfortunately I didn’t order my RAM and SSD very far in advance, looks like my RAM won’t be here until sometime next week.

I didn’t realize Amazon wouldn’t have these as their fast delivery, it feel strange. Didn’t want to have them sitting around, so didn’t order them until it was about to be here, but then I’m traveling this week, so didn’t want them arriving without me being there.

I’m from France and I haven’t yet received the shipment email and my mailbox is currently down :smiling_face_with_tear:

Best be for you and me is keep a close eye on your order page on frame.work. I know I have been charged there, and it shows on my CC site.

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Well, mines in Anchorage right now, theoretically possible I might get it tomorrow. More likely Monday is my guess.

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Still stuck in this status: Order Status:
Pre-Order Placed

CC card is in processing status.

It looks like Taipei is 12 hours ahead of EST here.
So maybe they are just now getting to work and things will happen!!!

Also already paid and (not so) patiently waiting for shipping. xD
Other Batches had up to 2 days till everyone got their shipping email. I hoped for it before the weekend but we will see …

I’d be shocked if we got any shipments on a weekend given Framework treats their employees well unlike other companies