FW16 Batch 13 Guild

Bonza for my Oz order, final got my order shipped notice.
Now to see how long transportation takes.

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Also just got my shipping notice for Australia. Given the speed its been picked up I’m hoping for a fast delivery.

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any updates?

Yep, I got it sorted. There was a bit of miscommunication on what I wanted to happen with the order when I was trying to get the credit card switched; I got it taken care of and it has shipped out a few hours ago.


Its here! And just before the weekend. Guess that’s my weekend planned.


@StarrWulfe @Daniel_Hall Glad you two got/will get yours soon, you must be the last ones in our batch :face_with_spiral_eyes:
I wonder, if we ever get to know, how many units were sold all-in-all/per batch.

So far, I’m happy with my device, it has survived its first astro-session last night, controlling the mount via Stellarium and the Camera via Digicam Control. I couldn’t bring my old EOS 350D to work on a virtual WinXP, the first moment it reacts to the software, then nothing, all while everything seems to be functional, drivers and software. So I bought a used 80D, which I can control directly from Win11.

Got some snapshots of M57 Ring Nebula, M81/M82 Bode’s/Zigar Galaxy, M106 Galaxy, M92 and M13 Star Clusters and some others. Nothing to show really, just a test if everything works as I want it to and it did. It’s too bright on my balcony anyways, thanks to the two companies left and right and the moon lights up the sky, too.


Impressive. Looks like you should get some excellent shots when you get to some dark sky areas. do post some pictures when you do.

Thanks, I’ll try :slight_smile: But the weather for the next days and weeks seem to be bad for Astronomy, rain, thunderstorms and clouds en masse.

OMG I got mine this morning!! I wasn’t expecting it for another few days after Memorial Weekend here in the States! Of course I ordered mine and was gonna get RAM separately to save some coins, so I wasn’t ready at all for this to come in… Just ordered two 32GB DDR5 5600 sticks, but will have to wait until tomorrow… So for now, I’ll just put it together and at least check the BIOS out… I’ve waited this long, I can give it another 24 hrs…

Great astrophotography BTW! I haven’t done that since I had a old neighbor who was a professor of Astronomy at a very large university in the area I was living in at the time show me how…


No rush, the stars will still be there … :+1:

Took 5 days for mine to arrive in Oz, Sunday 26th May, all the way via DHL Express courier.

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Hey everyone!
Just received mine after a long trip. Ordered the DIY, 2 TB main storage, 32 GB RAM and the graphics module.
I was working on it when I realized that the SSD screw is also defective, had to tape down my drive ):
Did you guys contact support?
Also, my keyboard doesn’t exactly align by a few milimiters, but I don’t know if it’s also a known issue or if I am expecting something that does not match reality.
Super excited to install my OS on it and get it going!

Some posts about alignment issues on here. Do a search in the Framework 16 forum, you should find some.
Same with mine re the screw, but I managed to put the screw back in, not threading properly though. I didn’t use tape, the screw seemed to hold the drive down enough and there is a long, narrow, pink pad (with a protective blue plastic strip over it, remove the protective plastic?) on the underside of the keyboard that looks to be functioning to heat-sink the drive.

Yes, you should. Since it only connects to the middle plate, there won’t be much heat dissipation, but the protective film would hinder the heat transfer even more. I’ve also added another 1mm thick and otherwise similar sized pad right next to it, so at least 2/3rds of the SSD and its controller chip are covered.