FW16 Batch 16 Guild

Batch 20 member here, would certainly love to see an option like this added

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Obviously. We would all want that. Seeing how impatient we are :joy:
A button with “send me the laptop now” even if we are charger double for it. I’m sure some people would do it :joy:


Same… wonder if that has to do with that aussie delay you mentioned earlier :frowning:

existence is pain. existence is pain. WHY HAVEN’T YOU SHIPPED
(I’m DIY btw)

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The laptop arrived today!


My DIY arrived in Alaska a few hours ago.


I guess we’ll have to wait until Monday evening =/

Awesome! :rocket:

Card is charged now🥂


Still no shipping notification. SHIP ME MY STUUUUUUUFF!!!

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Same here … I’m tempted to send my “expert negotiator” (my cat) to them to request shipping.

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The only thing my cats are experts at negotiating are scritches :smiley:

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It’ll probably happen on Monday. The Taiwanese work Monday-Friday.

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I need to thank Framework … normally my weekends are over in a blink, but now I’m anxiously waiting for Monday, this weekend seems so much longer. Honestly can’t complain, I’m sick of my weekends disappearing in a blink, should buy more laptops.


So true!

I’ve not been charged yet for laptop. Anyone else? I bought the GPU on a separate order and that was charged on Monday!

Im in Australia so might be that ?

Mine just shipped, now I get to keep poking at Fedex’s website and I can leave Framework’s alone.

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I have not been charged yet either, also in Australia.

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Same, shipping from tw no idea when it will arrive in California. Will need signature, and can’t wait to get building!

Ditto. May be an Aus thing. Doubt we’ll receive it this week, was hoping to get it by the weekend to play with it

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