FW16 Batch 16 Guild

I’m in the UK, was one of the first ones charged Thursday night but I’ve not heard anything since. Anyone else in the UK in the same boat?

UK here, was charged on the Friday and also haven’t heard anything since.

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I’m in the same boat.

Got my shipping notification at 5:11am today. I am bursting with excitement!!! Says it will arrive Wednesday and I am US east coast.

Got my shipping notification. I’ll be working from home tomorrow Tuesday. Scheduled for arrival the next day, but I have to be at the office on Wednesday!!! Auuuugh!!!

Do they require signature for the delivery?

Mines shipped out last week, less than a day after getting charged on Thursday, heading to the US west coast. However, it got stuck in Alaska since mid-Friday, due to a customs exception, “shipment subject to anti-dumping/countervailing review”. Waiting it out, but seems like at this rate package won’t arrive until mid-week at the earliest. Shipping details indicate indirect signature required.

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Still no eta, but what I see so far:

Mine still hasn’t shipped! :open_mouth:

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Fedex’s website doesn’t give an estimated delovery, but the Global Package Tracking site does:

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Mine to germany hasnt shipped yet either, that will be quite tough days to wait xD

I have had issues with GPT being to optimistic on delivery dates, as customs is not accounted for or unloading. Basically once Fedex gets the package in its care, we will get a much more accurate delivery date.

Dat stinks. Here is what I was able to find out on what happened to your laptop:

Mine’s been stuck in Alaska with yours too :frowning: Heading to US east coast. Hopefully it gets cleared up before too long…


I called FedEx to ask and they said that there’s 191 packages and the way Framework set up the shipment, all of them have to wait even if only one is failing customs. They suggested asking Framework to de-couple the packages. Basically, Framework can authorize them to clear individually, but it might be a lot of work for the shipper to send requests for each package.

Unsure whether I want to do that and risk using up someone’s time that could be better spent getting Batch 17 out.


I wonder if this means that they’ve paused shipments while they figure this out. Mine still hasn’t even shipped, despite having been charged last week.

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I’m sure Framework’s logistics team is aware and they’re working to sort it out on their end, just depends on when the paperwork gets processed.

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As long as I can ask them to deliver to a neighbour I’m fine. The GPU was just left on the middle of my doorstep visible to anyone passing by and they didn’t even ring the doorbell :scream:

I imagine if 1 package is having problems, and they’re all from the same grouping, that they probably would just hold some/all of the others until they investigated the first package. Customs can be a pain, they take their time doing what they do.


Shipped 5/17, mine is also stuck in alaska. estimated delivery was tomorrow 5/21 but no eta now and status is just “exception” with last update of “Clearance delay - Import”


These require indirect signature, which would include a neighbor. Basically any adult. They won’t (aren’t supposed to :eyes:) just leave it.

If the delivery hub is nearby you could also ask that it be held there for pickup. I use this option a lot for expensive or signature items.