FW16 Batch 16 Guild

Ran into a problem updating my payment information. Wondering if anybody else has seen this…

Trying to change the debit card info to a new account that I’ve created subsequent to the pre-order deposit. New card is activated. Works at an ATM. When I try to put it onto my framework account as an additional payment method, the card comes up as declined.

Spoke to my bank’s customer service, they agree that the card is working but their answer is “well, maybe you should get a new card”… apparently they have no clue.

So now I’m sitting in my bank’s lobby, Hoping they can give me another brand new card or fix this one somehow LOL


Is the daily purchase limit on the card lower than your amount due?

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Does anyone know how quickly Support has been processing their emails? I decided to add some additional expansion cards to my order, so I filled out the email form. I received confirmation that my email was received but they noted a backlog and said it could take some time for them to respond to the actual content of said email. Meanwhile, the preparation email I received on Monday (WOOT!) gave only a 2-day window for making any changes to my order before my card gets charged, so I’m just wondering if my request email will actually get processed in time or if I will have to order the additional cards separately. It won’t be a big deal if I have to order separately, but I was curious to know how this process has worked out for others.

I’d wager that since you got your changes in before that 2 day window I’m sure you’re good.

For what it’s worth, I’m in batch 15 in the USA and I just got mine today. It only took one day from when the laptop shipped to when I received it (shipped from Taiwan around 1am local time on Monday, FedEx attempted delivery around 10am today, Tuesday). It was just one week from the “we’re preparing your batch” email to receiving the laptop.


Refresh, refresh, refresh … my bank has to be wondering what’s going on. Think the charge will be today or tomorrow?

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Batch 12 got their email on a Monday. First charge was the following Thursday, and first delivery was the Monday after. If we follow the same pattern, cards will probably start getting charged tomorrow. First reports of Batch 12 getting charged came in around 3pm (Eastern).

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Yep, the new confirmation email came in today. Looks like they’re processing order modifications in a pretty timely manner.

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Coke on, please charge my card……please…please….aka are we there yet?

Am I the only one bothered by their website UI ?
When i’m on order page and i click “see my order” i have directly under my mouse on the order page “Cancel my order” and every time i’m scared i had double clicked and it select it…

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Nope, I’ve had that anxiety myself. I really wish they’d move that to a little bit less easily clickable. Plus adding the “take my money now” button for those of us who don’t want to wait :stuck_out_tongue:

I think there are laws in some countries that they cannot “take your money now”. For example, in the UK, if the time delay between taking your money and you receiving the item is more than 30days, the supplier gets very large fines and can be forced to cease trading. So, the least risky approach for the supplier is to take payment just before posting the item.

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I wouldn’t mind if they sent it right away when I clicked the button, that would be fine with me.

That one should definitly be an option for people like US, and everyone too. Would help prevent waiting to see if our bank accept this payment or not.


Ooo… you’re far braver than I! I forgot to get an audio card. So I just bought one. Paid $9 for shipping; I debated that, then decided that I’d rather part with the 9 bucks over perturbing my order processing. I don’t know how good Framework is when you want to color outside the lines, but generally corporate systems make me nervous.

They were pretty good when I wanted to add an extra 16GB of RAM about a week ago (they just did it and I kept my spot in the queue), but it’s quite close to shipping time now.

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Crisis averted…
After several rounds with Credit Union CSR and Card issuer/security company, all I got was “must be a weird glitch with the card. Get a new card” FRUSTRATING! On Monday evening I successfully used it for a POS purchase. Tuesday morning I added it to my Amazon account as a payment method and placed an order using it. Then I was able to add it as a payment method on my Framework account. I wish I had tried Framework immediately after the POS, but I did not… So, I am left to wonder what fixed it? The POS transaction (Probably) or adding it to Amazon.

The daily transaction limit is above the Framework charge so that will not be a problem.

Luckily, this was not an emergency, original payment card is still valid. The only detriment would be showing the soon to be Ex-wife what exactly I payed for this thing… :grin:

OK, Now for the real business at hand; Serial refreshes of Banking App…


Good to hear!

Pretty sure the fix was making a “real” transaction with it. Fraud detection probably decided it was a smell for there to be a preauthorization charge against a card that hadn’t yet been used for anything.

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It’s quite unlikely that they’re timing shipping around charges. :eyes: I’m sure they’re charging based on when they can ship.