FW16 Batch 17 Guild

I’m so sorry to hear that, we have a bit of backlog for support at the moment and our responses are delayed, please let me know if you don’t hear from the Framework support soon.

She’s finally home!


Here (Italy) it arrived the 29th may (DIY edition).
Unboxed and assembled in 30 minutes, without any issue. No keyboard flex, no problems, no anything :slight_smile:
Installed Win11 with no issues.
Installed driver pack and upgraded the BIOS: no problems.
I’m really satisfied :grinning:



thankfully i got on tuesday a reply form the support, but only with the information that they will call the carrier an i will get a reply within 2 days, today i got the same information.
So i have to wait 2 days more … !?

I am so annoyed, from FedEx and Framework …

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Sorry to hear that Matthias, unfortunately these investigations take some time, but I see that we have already contacted you today for the replacement, thanks for your cooperation!

Yes, thankfully. I ill hope this will come soon to end.
Thank You for the reply.

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Already using manjaro and windows 11. Dual booting. Linux mostly for fun and Windows its fo creative apps. Sadly Linux its not great with creative apps