FW16 Batch 18 Guild

When ordered. I ordered March 7 and then again March 15. No prep yet.

I ordered March 5th by my email date, but framework has it listed on my order page as Mar 06 2024. Email came in about the same time as all the people on this thread who first posted they got the email.

Got my prep email a couple hours ago, I originally pre-ordered around Mar 14th.

Let the hype commence!

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I ordered March 23rd according to pre-order email date and I got my prep email yesterday
(May 23rd - 2 months on the dot!)

It seems to me if you consider the order date as a starting point, the pre-order email date is subject to a pre-built implementations first and any complexity adds to the timeline regarding the DIY configurations.

No complaint here, just seeking to understand. If you did get a pre-order email for Batch 18 I can speculate the the Pre-Built gets down the conveyer belt faster then the DIY. Makes sense, if in fact DIYs have been shipped the speculation can be attributed to the factor of complexity of the configuration. Configuration complexity would lengthen the timeline, seemingly, no!?!

In my case, I think the addons did just that to my order. In hindsight. I should have ordered addons in a separate order. Next time. I ordered addon with the computer. Bad customer!

However, iteration and experience gets you a stronger understanding and gets one to be tolerant and amazed at the Framework teamā€™s planned efficient strategy. My apologies, I was not so thoughtful, this time! Still quivering with anticipation! :wink:

So the first frameworks from batch 17 have been deliveredā€¦ Still waiting to get chargedā€¦ My wife is not nearly as excited as I am :grin:

BTW, DIY version ordered March 10, if still anyone wants to knowā€¦


Any day now! I hope, the number of issues Iā€™m seeing pop up are just exceptions to a rule!


I received mine today (batch 17) and so far Iā€™ve had zero issues. You tend to only see the reports of issues because people with no issues usually just enjoy their laptop and positive reviews mostly donā€™t get shared as much.


Very, very true! Sometimes? I forget that ^^

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@Destroya In the earlier units/press models I heard people complaining about the deck flex and the m.2 screw being loose, have these been fixed in the units currently being sent out/that will be sent out? Not complaining, just curious

Anyone else being a total dork and refreshing their email enough to set off their DDOS rules?


I definitely remember something about new screws and hinges and Iā€™m pretty sure it was about the 16 however that could have been for the 13. So yes, I think it has been fixed but Iā€™m not 100% sure

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Yes! Iā€™ve never been this excited to have less money. :joy:

Hey Barrett,

Iā€™m not sure what you are referring to as ā€œdeck flex.ā€ I believe one press reviewer complained about their keyboard flexing, but we have not received many reports from customers about that. We have received some reports about the SSD screw, but not from the most recent batches. If a customer reports an issue, they usually contact the support team to get a part replacement, and their issue is tracked by our engineering team. Hope this helps.

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Sounds great, thanks for the response!

DIY version!! That is awesome!

It is a good thing to Brag about your computer on delivery. Tell us your joy!

Well, it is absolutely amazing! Build quality is stunning, and the modular design appeals to me even more than I expected. I spent the last two days setting it up just how I want it (I went for pretty much the best version of the laptop there is) with Windows being on the 1 TB 2230 and Arch with Hyprland on the 4 TB Samsung 990 Pro. The OLED screen looks quite honestly unbelievably good and itā€™s been an absolute blast configuring stuff on it. The keyboard is also very very good btw.


Still waiting on THE mail here, but? Any moment nowā€¦ aaaaaaaany momentā€¦.

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