FW16 Batch 18 Guild

No warning email yet, but a charge has just appeared on my credit card for the full amount - can’t be too long until the email drops!


ooooo mine was just charged too!

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Literally just got the charge notification on my phone seconds ago. HERE WE GO!

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No email, but my card just got charged!

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First message on the forums: my bank account is now processing the request! It’s been a long time since I’ve been this elated to lose money!

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Let’s gooo!!!

I wonder how long until we get the email that it has shipped

Been charged to!!! Got a whole 20p in my account now :joy:. Hopefully it arrives by tomorrow as I’m going away on the weekend but probably not

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Yep, same here, just got the charge notification…
Can’t wait to build it…

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In terms of there being a ‘warning email’, I’m pretty sure that’s what the email last Thursday was

Just saw that my card got charged too. Thankfully, my bank’s fraud protection didn’t kick it back :V

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Just got charged too.

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No charge here yet, but? Probably awaiting the bank waking up, it IS dumb o clock here

Update. Money earmarked to leave account.

Card is applying for victim support and divorce.


Yeah, buddy!


I too have received my shipping notification email!

Arrival ETA

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Did y’all get it as an email or check your account

No email and no update in my account yet… starting to feel left out

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Same, I want to know when it’s arriving

My card isn’t even charged yet :smiling_face_with_tear:
Edit: not charged because of a payment error, everything is fine now!

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An email. Then from there I look at my account and check the status of my order, and the Order Status is “Shipped” and from there there is a button to Track Package (as well as the tracking number) and I click on track package and it gave the estimated delivery date of Monday June 3rd.
EDIT: The email has the tracking info as well, just as an fyi.
EDIT2: For the record, I think I may have been one of the earlier Batch 18 orders, and my order is not particularly complicated, so maybe those two things are factors here. When I ordered the FW16 Batch 18 Guild thread hadn’t been created yet.