FW16 Batch 19 Guild

sharing files can still be an issue (linux can read ntfs which windows uses, but windows cant read linux file systems)

you can also probably break other os system files if you can read them from another os, but so long as you dont touch system files you should be fine

recovering from a broken boot environment will still be a problem, but i think its less likely to break


That can be achieved by creating a small NTFS partition (Letā€™s say 100GB) and mount it on both system.

All other critiques are quite accurate IMHO, I remember Windows 7, Vista (Yuks) and 10 breaking the boot partition occasionally (in my case).

Windows inside Linux runs a bit slower, and since itā€™s a VM, you are consuming ā€œa lot more powerā€ (for a laptop) to run simple Windows apps.

I feel you about not being ready to switch. Go at your own rhythm :slight_smile:

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Thank you Jer :slight_smile:

Yeah, thereā€™s slowness for demanding software, and some Microsoft products donā€™t work well or at all. Iā€™d have to find new processes for a number of tasks.

Looks like the easiest way to to check out the environment is WSL - itā€™s unstable, so not too much, keep things synced and backed-up.

Thanks Shadow - seems unless/ until you can substitute some Windows programs the optimal thing is two different machines.

Look at what youā€™ve done ! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I feel like this thread is a safe space for newcomers who started using the forum because of batch 19. Maybe itā€™s just me, haha.

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My laptop came a week ago but I couldnā€™t pick it up until yesterday. Finally got it together and it is great! It runs great, was easy to put together, and works out of the box basically with linux mint edge. Havenā€™t really used it much, so donā€™t know how it performs with games yet.

So far the issues Iā€™m coming across are:

  • The macropad is blindingly bright upon startup. Kind of wish they used diffusers, but thereā€™s a lot of customization available for it, so not a big deal.

  • The touchpad is slightly raised compared to the spacers.

  • The ethernet expansion card is UGLY. Itā€™s large and chunky. Itā€™s also see through since itā€™s covered with clearish plastic. Not really sure about the design choice for this one tbhā€¦ Some people might find it cool?

Other than those things, the laptop has been everything that I expected. Now the only issue for me specifically is trying to learn how Linux works. Iā€™m struggling hard, but I did want to learn this, so Iā€™m going to try sticking with Linux for as long as I can bear.

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Hi, sorry for the slow response, Iā€™m actually a batch 20 person but was reading around. As someone that has dual booted Windows and Linux for around 5 years, I find the claims from that source somewhat surprising. Especially since itā€™s coming from a computer science deparment!

Dual booting is far less scary than it often seems, the main issue is that Windows tends not to play nicely with other operating systems that share the disk with it. The main recommendation I would give is to have separate boot partitions for Windows and other OSes, then use your BIOS to choose which OS to boot. Iā€™d guess most aforementioned issues with corruption of boot environments stems from trying to have Windows play nice on a shared boot partition.

The only other recommendation that hasnā€™t already been mentioned by others is to install Windows first, then Linux second. As Windows tends to just eat the other OS when installed (again it really doesnā€™t play nice with other OSes even if the other OSes are also Windows).

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I have the same issue. Itā€™s a bit of a downer, but also not a deal-breaker. I still notice it every time I use the device :stuck_out_tongue:


The only souvenir I have from dual booting (15 years ago mind you) is that indeed, sometimes after a windows update, linux wouldnā€™t boot anymore. That and I would often resolve to boot directly into Windows and so I wouldnā€™t really make the 100% switch. Rebooting to use a program on windows and then rebooting again to go back to the ā€œmainā€ OS was time consumingā€¦

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I wrote up my setup process - which is really a light layer of organization over the Framework guides (which were pretty awesome).

The entire process (unboxing through OS install) too me around 90 minutes.

All the details here: Initial Setup of a Framework 16 ā€“ FunnyMonkey

And tl;dr - itā€™s such a nice machine.

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