FW16 Batch 21 Guild

Did you tryputing it on a vacation hold?

I haven’t got the option either, it may not be available until it reaches the final delivery station

Congrats. Also got mine in today. Ended up contacting FedEx if I could come pick it up, that was allright. W11 with Christitus tweaks and Atlas OS up and running. It’s super snappy.

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That’s not it, it’s just that I’m gonna be at work at that time. (People have responsibilities on workdays? Crazy!)

The panel just says it can’t do anything:

Got mine a few hours ago. Still setting up, but here it is with the white dbrand skin on.

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Confirmed, my laptop is on FX9 meaning it will be in the UK in less than an hour, there is a chance, however slim it might be, that I get my laptop tomorrow.

It seems the plane puts down in both those places to offload and/or load a pallet or two of freight. Possibly to also refuel.

Got my laptop after trying to reroute it to a local facility which ended up being closed, but was home when they tried delivering it. Pretty easy to assemble and looks and feels pretty good.

Mine said 10.something pounds, but I didn’t have the GPU, so 11 would sound about right.

:rofl: The bone in my leg is aching, but it is my left leg, so that won’t stop me driving the car …

All works well, I’m happy.

Woke up and it’s at my local facility literally 5 minutes away, if they don’t attempt delivery today I’ll for pick it up myself. The button on the FedEx website to change delivery is broken.

EDIT: Out for delivery! 1 day ahead of schedule, I’ll take that!

And she’s here! love this thing already, just gotta migrate everything now


FedEx noticed the fragile sticker and decided to crush that corner of the box :man_facepalming:

Thankfully framework pack these things pretty well!

Luckily it still works :grimacing:

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My destination is also Germany and it just got picked up by FedEx in Taiwan today, how long did yours take from there to you?

4 days

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That seems ridiculous especially since it’s a system that’s around or over $2000 most likely