FW16 Batch 5 Guild

I ended up DM’ing FedEx Help on Twitter. They said it’s on its way to the final sorting facility now, but seeing as how FedEx has literally not once successfully delivered a package to me in the 14-ish years I’ve been at my current address, well…

Edit: Left Anchorage FedEx 3 minutes ago!

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@Jacob_Osborne I’ll let you know if I end up getting my FW16 tomorrow, I suppose. Anticipated delivery before 12:20 CDT, per FedEx Help.

Whoa that is a trippy route. Taiwan → France → Philippines → China → Japan → France? Did your laptop forget how to read a map?

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I have movement what about you @SatouKazuma?

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just had movement for mine from anchorage, departed from there

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It left FedEx’s Anchorage location like an hour and a half ago

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Is yours on the ANC-MEM flight scheduled to arrive at 00:05 CDT on Friday? They’re really cutting the ETA close…

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the framework arrived faster then my ram. the ram is sitting in my local post office over night oh the misery. now I have to go to work tomorrow and work another 12 hours then come home dead tired before i can open it up. Fuck you Tax Season.

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Supposed to arrive Friday before noon. Hopefully it just arrives tomorrow.


I hear you. I’m watching the flight I think my laptop is on, and it should be touching down at Memphis in around 20 minutes.

Final update for “Thursday”: Laptop touched down at MEM at 23:43 CDT. Here’s hoping it makes the flight to my city in the earliest hours Friday morning.

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Try to reseat them. I noticed one was a bit fiddly to put right.

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Got mine. booted right up, no ram shenanigans for a moment i worried if it came with the required m2 screws.
fit and finish? b to b- though with a note this is a first run product. half a mm or so thicker touch pad unit and spacers to help prevent warping. Along with a camphor along the top edge if they’re going to have them sit a bit over a mm or more above the keyboard and spacers / number pad. will most definitely keep something in between it and the screen when closed.

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Mine touched down in my general area two hours ago. It’s so close I can feel it. It’s supposed to be delivered to my house on Monday.

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Hello fellow batch 5 members :slight_smile:
I would like to set the delivery options, but somehow I can’t do it. Has anyone had the same problem?

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Can’t say I’ve run into that, fortunately.

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Delivery ETA today before 10:30 CDT. Can’t fucking wait!


I see your patience is being rewarded

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Well that patience seems to be very low, lol.

Meanwhile, I got unlucky with my shipment barely not making it in time for this Friday.
I got charged on Monday but the shipment was sent out Wednesday morning and shipment also wasn’t that smooth.

Chek Lap Kok is also… an interesting coincidence, lol


I have not been keeping up with posting, but allegedly mine is supposed to be delivered today.
Good thing too, as it’s the only day for the next week or so where someone could receive it!