FW16 Batch 5 Guild

Mine was scheduled to be delivered on Monday, but FedEx just knocked on my door about 5 minutes ago. IT’S HERE! I know what I’ll be doing this weekend.


Well that patience seems to be very low.

Yeah yeah I get it. No need to point out the obvious…


Arrived :tada:


Arrived, Gonna be a fun weekend moving from my FW13 to the Fm16!. Then I get to replace the Motherboard in my FW13 before I had it down to one of my kids and use the old FW13 motherboard as a linux server. I love that hardware is not going to the dump.

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Same here. Thankfully I had someone at home to sign for it. Can’t wait to get home and ravage this thing! :smiley:

Not sure if I want to record my unboxing or live stream it… or… just enjoy it by myself. :slight_smile:


I’m just jealous that yours arrived in time for the weekend and mine didn’t…
Would’ve been perfect as I’m sick again and could’ve used the weekend to get it set up :​(

It arrived at my Proxy :heart: for context, I am from Puerto Rico, I couldn’t get a clear statement and simply assumed shipping to PR was a NoNo, so I used Send To Puerto Rico, I am expecting it to have it in my hands in aprox 10 days :heart:

I really hope this comment can help other peeps in PR get their framework laptops~


Laptop. I has it.


Well now that you don’t need it, can I use your credit card slingshot when my batch 17 is preparing to ship?


Mine showed up this morning. At this point only opened the box and lifted 16 out. heavy! But it has the graphics in it and I do not plan to travel with that attached. TOMORROW WILL BE THE DAY.


I don’t think it’s safe to ship and/or use. I should write up a Framework KB though, it’s not too hard to do at home. It requires a box of office-quality rubber bands, three sturdy pens, and a pocket made from card-stock.

Optional pulley and crank system if you want to “Set it and forget it.”


My Framework 16 arrived at home yesterday, 1 business day earlier than tracking. Unfortunately, I’m stuck in another city thanks to weather delays. Hopefully I’ll be home tonight and finally get to see my laptop in person!

I can’t even figure out when batch 6 will start! >_<

Just customed my framework with a Dbrand skin and some stickers.
Don’t judge my awful tastes lol :eyes:


I love the sudo rm -rf sticker lol, I know its old but its kinda like the original computer nerd joke imo

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That looks really good, @Percorjunior. Which skin from Dbrand did you use?

I bought the xRay skin for my Framework 16 but I have a few weeks yet before my Batch 16 laptop arrives.

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I used the Obsidian skin ^^

It clearly is but there was not any --no-preserve-root variant for more chills.

I love this! Especially the asset tag for aperture!

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Thanks, it’s my favorite too ! I hope other people from batch 5 will try to customise their new laptop with such things lol