FW16 Batch 6 Guild

Its happening!!

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YES. Got my batch prep email 50 minutes ago but just noticed. Thought I might be the first to post about it, LOL, thoroughly beaten!

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Replying to add my hype about the batch prep email!

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Me too. Folks, the train is at the station, get ready to ride!

No mail yet, the blank ISO keyboard could be the culprit :sweat_smile:

Got my prep email :partying_face:

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You should have the batch prep email, everyone in the batch gets it at the same time

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maybe your email server is blocking emails from framework? i believe someone had that happen to them.

check all your email folders etc etc. did you get the shipping timing update emails sent to everyone (last one was the eighth update iirc)? if its a work email or a very small email provider, you could consider asking the mailserver admin. framework staff have also helped people with troubleshooting this in another thread on this forum in the past (think it was one of the threads about one of the shipping timing update emails) - i guess you could get in touch with them through some channel that doesnt depend on email (like this forum or the discord guild) if all else fails.


by the way, your batch shipment chart is really cool, thanks for making it!

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Yeah I got all previous emails, and checked all folders, maybe there’s some tiny delay, I’ll wait a few hours :slightly_smiling_face:


Just curious, for those who received the mail: is the message on the ordre summary still “Order Status: Pre-Order Placed” or it changed ?
I haven’t received any mail yet, I may get in touch with support just to be sure there’s no problem

Mine is still listed as “pre order placed”, I don’t expect to get charged until the end of the week, which should change the status.

It said by next Monday we would be charged so there won’t be anything changed until we get charged. As soon as people get charged it’ll pop up on here so someone will update you as soon as the money is taken.

I haven’t received my batch 6 email either. I’m not stressing. The same thing happened to me when I was batch 1 on the gen 11 FW13. Not all the emails went out at the same time.

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Same. Last email from Framework for me was a few weeks ago when I asked about adding a keyboard to my order. Order was edited, so might be possible I’m later in the batch 6 queue just because I can’t make up my darn mind.


Mine shows confirmed not “placed.”

Edit: though I do not have the email yet.

The naming is not consistent, it’s “Confimed” on the orders summary and “Placed” on the order details.

I’m in the same situation, I asked for a change very recently, maybe it has an impact.
But anyway it doesn’t matter that much as long as I get it :stuck_out_tongue:

Same here! (@Wolf_Trabeitt and @pdp) ^.^

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Oh my gosh, your avatar and nick have the song playing in my head.


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Will we start being charged tomorrow??