FW16 Batch 8 Guild

just got my payment sorted out, hoping against hope there’s a chance it arrives before i leave for my flight saturday and i can spend the flight playing with my new toy


I got charged as well! I had to manually authorize the iDeal payment. IT’S HAPPENING!!


The status on the order page says it has been charged as per today (2024-04-05) but the credit card balance doesn’t show it yet. Let’s wait and see :slight_smile:
Edit 2024-06-06: The charge has been deducted from my card now, with date of 5th April. Payment complete, now to wait another week for my notebook as I won’t be at home until next friday :frowning:

Stupid card vendor declined the payment for security issues argh lol

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I really wish they could ship today ….

I think it’ll probably ship today, as we saw in earlier batches :eyes: unless the payment is not handled in Taiwan, and production there is still paused.

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I would imaging they would not have charged us if production was still paused or there was a supply chain issue effecting us.

Now that’s not to say that other batches could be affected if say there was an issue. But I believe Destroya or someone at FW would let people know once they know something.


Haven’t gotten an email yet, but I checked my bank based on the replies here and I’ve been charged as well! Can’t wait to finally get it set up.


Just woke up to a large charge on the credit card for my first birthday present. Was hoping to get the laptop for my birthday but this is pretty close. :grin:

Also no email about it from Framework but it seems things are progressing as expected despite the tragedy in Taiwan. Hope everyone there is doing well or recovering quickly!


Oh yeeeah, noticed a pending charge as well.


I now have a pending charge! No email yet, but I like seeing progress!


Yup same, charge pending so they’ll be shipping soon I imagine!

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OMG, this is adorable :D.

Thank you. I hope the email I got that my order is being prepped means that the partner/Framework staff in Taiwan are all safe and well.


So do we think shipping emails today?

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I hope so. I called it would happen on the same day we got charged, but I forgot weekends are a thing.

I just got my shipping mail.


Chat is this real?


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Why I didn’t receive that…

Me neither :frowning:

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