FW16 Batch 9 Guild

Got mine at a Similar time to you

And me. Now to furiously reload the tracking page to see when it leaves Taiwan :smiley:

Got mine about 20 mins ago

Finally!!! :joy:

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Yeah! Got mine as well after 3 days, probably joined you guys on the way

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Just got tracking information from Taiwan to Canberra, Australia …

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Got my tracking this morning, too. UK here.

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UK too, got my shipping email.
Looking forward to getting my FW16.
This is the first computer I will have put together since getting my soldering iron out as a teenager in 1979 and building a Nascom 2 Nascom - Wikipedia


Almost here at least its about 6 miles away now

Got mine yesterday.

Anyone else get theirs and strugle to get the keyboard and trackpad working in any other position other than centered? Not sure If I’m doing something wrong, or if there’s something wrong with it.

(Centered is where I intend to keep them anyway, but I kinda wanted to show off the party trick)

I dont know what i was doing wrong before, but I was able to get the keyboard and track pad working left-aligned. That said, I couldn’t get the trackpad working right-aligned. I don’t really WANT to do this, but it’s a curious defect. It kinda seems like the spacers/numpad get in the way and don’t let the trackpad lie flush.
Also, the orange spacer I ordered appears to be missing the holes/indents that would allow it to lie flush on the midplate.

Thank you for the explanation, this is expected. We ship the products sometime between a few hours and a few days after the payment is received and it takes more time for certain regions. You should receive your shipment email soon :slight_smile:

Mine is now showing as in the Philippines…

got mine a few hours ago!, I have had no issues with the keyboard or trackpad :frowning:

And then it went to China and then to India (about 30 minutes ago). FedEx work on their own internal logic, don’t they?

(I buy a lot of stuff direct from China/Taiwan, other courier routes to the UK go (maybe) via HK to a UK airport)

And now Dubai… Inching closer!

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Careful, it might arrive waterlogged … :sob:


Oh no, hopefully it won’t be delayed by torrential rain :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

I received my shipping Email at 1:17AM PDT Monday 04/15/2024,
and FedEx delivered it to Portland Oregon area at 10:00AM PDT Tuesday 04/16/2024.

FedEx updated my tracking that I was not present to sign for my package even though I have been waiting for them all day. Maybe I will get it tomorrow if they ever actually show up.

Got mine today at about 12p local time… I assume Tony got his off the same truck… I’m in Portland OR area.

and to Paris, with a short delay while the British trade barrier has a think about whether to accept the incoming article, and now in the UK (Stansted, some 100 miles from our “local” FedEx depot).

So I can expect a delivery notification from FedEx saying they’ll deliver on Friday between 0900 and 1300; it’ll show as that until about 1400, when it will change to “before 1800” and then it’ll arrive Monday :stuck_out_tongue: