FW16 Keyboard -> USB

Hi! Is it possible to create an USB to 8pin pogo to connect the keyboard to another pc?

Not sure if anything already exists. This would be a good thing to have as it would allow you to re-use a FW16 keyboard if you have swapped it out for another.

Yes it is. The pinout is on Framework’s github. Someone else mentioned that they planned to create a base shell to hold a keyboard and connect it with a standard USB cable. Don’t know if they are still planning it.

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I have been considering doing something like this to house a numpad or macropad so I can have the LED matrix fitted to the machine, but have the numpad available when i want it.

It would be easy enough to use an old USB2 cable to make the connections from an external box housing to connect to a USB-A connector on the laptop. The biggest hassle is finding some suitable pogo pins (I haven’t gone looking to see if there is any documentation on what FW use yet), and from there it will be only a small project.

I don’t suppose you’ve seen Framework’s adapter board on their github?

They mention

Note that the actual pogo pin connector is a custom Framework part. We’re working through how to make these available to developers more broadly.

But you can use single pogo PCB pins.
These from mouser should work mouser.com/ProductDetail/Harwin/P70-5000045R 1.06mm ± .03 body dia. Framework’s board has 1.35mm holes for the pin bodies. You can just shrink them.

JLCP has these 1.2mm ± .03 YZR0008-15030-01 | Xinyangze | Pogo Pin Spring Probe Connector | JLCPCB If you’d be getting boards assembled by them.

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No, as I said, I haven’t gone looking yet, but thanks for the link.

Yes, both those should be suitable. I should be able to get the Harwin ones locally. Thanks for those links as well.

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This is awesome, thank you a lot.
I’m a bit overwhelmed by work rn, if somebody try this please post here your findings!