GPU USB-C port connection to external monitor with USB Hub

Dear FW16 community,

I have a simple question to ask. I have ultra wide 5K monitor with 5120 x 1440 px resolution.
Can GPU handle this resolution natively?

Would be 120 Hz refresh rate also possible?

In addition, my external monitor has a USB Hub where I have a dongle for mouse and keyboard. Would I able to use my devices while I’ll be connected to the external monitor? :thinking:

I’d think it would be able to run a 5K display, not sure about that at 120hz. I do know that the UBS-C port on the GPU only outputs video and will not work on hubs. I’ve tested it on some HP docks that have monitors connected and they don’t work at all. As for using the monitor as a hub, I’m not sure if you’ll get just video output or if it won’t work at all. I haven’t gotten to use a new enough monitor that has USB-C. I’d think you’d at least get video.