Hi! i am working on a project that involves framework motherboard 13 and i dont understand how usb c work in it

I dont understand if all 4 usb ports on motherboard (specifically i7 1185g7) are thunderbolt 4 or do they need expansion card to work as thunderbolt. i also read that not all of those ports can be thunderbolt and i dont know if it is true

Welcome to the forum.
The USB-C expansion cards are not needed, they are only passive pass-throughs. And on that board all ports are the same.

Where did you read this? Perhaps it was about the AMD version. Or it was about trying to fully saturate all ports. I don’t know off hand what the total bandwidth limit is but I believe if you try to fully saturate all ports / fully use the maxium thunderbolt speed on all ports at exactly the same time, you’ll run into the limit. You can check the specs for the CPU, it’s total thunderbolt bandwith available, that’s your limit.

thanks, yes probly it was about AMD. now i understand about thunderbolt i think. thanks one again for help.


I believe I also read something about the USB expansion port that depends on the main board being Intel or AMD. I think the Intel supports up to Thunderbolt 4. I think the AMD supports USB C v.4. I wasn’t really looking for too many details on that Port so I don’t remember if there was a limit to total bandwidth shared amongst all ports from the main board or if each Port had full speed. Go back and look in the marketplace at the USB C expansion for it and see if it clarifies anything now. It may have been updated since you last read it.

Texas Citizen