If I order a new FW 16 now, will it come with the new thermal pad PTM7958?

Hi there! :slight_smile:

I am planning to buy another FW 16, and would like to know if it will be coming the new thermal pad solution (not the old liquid metal one).

I will already need to update my current FW 16 with the new pad, and I don’t really want to do this multiple times, due to lack of time on my side.


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All new FW16 should have the new solution using PTM

Do you know for sure?

I think it was mentioned in few blog posts/announcements already.

For example here:

I don’t think that statement answers the question.

They don’t say they are not selling the old design anymore, they just say they switched production to the new design.
That doesn’t mean you won’t get the old design when you buy now.

New production means it has been updated already when that post got published, and is its already over month ago, the chances to get old FW16 when ordering now is pretty much close to zero.

So yes, new FW16 come with PTM.

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I just asked the Framework support this question.

The answer was that the manufacturing partner is currently still using liquid metal. The friendly sales person answering said that there is no definite date yet when the transition to PTM will happen.

All new production has been using PTM since early November. There were still units with Liquid Metal in inventory for a period of time, but at this point, new shipments for most if not all system configurations should have PTM.


Thanks for the clarification! :+1:

Please send the support team a notice so they know the state.

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Just wanted to follow up and ask if this also applies to Framework 16 mainboards on the Framework Marketplace.