If you haven't ordered yet, what's holding you back?

I love love love the idea of the Framework laptop. I hate e-waste ands I love repairable electronics. But I need a laptop with a GPU for some of the professional work I do (video editing, photo editing). I’ve been lurking around and following Framework’s progress, but can’t really invest into the Framework ecosystem without a GPU option.

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There’s a pretty active group of external GPU enthusiasts here who have documented successes – if you aren’t doing workstation work on the road you might want to see if this is an option that could push you over the edge.

I have one but want to order some more parts for it. What stops me is the criminally expensive postage costs for a couple of cards. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Holding me back is the small screen size (I’d prefer 17" or at least 16") and no AMD CPU/GPU options.

First, they provide a LOT more value per monetary unit, are more efficient, and I just like AMD more as a company (for example, they open source their GPU drivers).


We definitely understand and are working on ways to cut down on cost for this. We’re currently eating most of this cost to ensure people don’t pay too much (even though we know it’s currently a lot).

We hope to have a better update for this soon!


So the £24 is subsidised?? What’s the full cost? :astonished:

I think you need someone more capable in the shipping dept. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I order stuff from Singapore and get free 5 day FedEx shipping on some orders.

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Sucks don’t it!?

Framework really should advise to buy all the cards you ever want when you order the laptop.

I can send a 250g package to Taiwan for £5 to £7!

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Folks, as Framework has already acknowledged in this thread they are trying to get the prices down. I imagine the distance the parts have to travel has much to do with it. On top of this not every location in the world is the same price, etc.

Large companies are able to command better deals due to the sheer volume of items being shipped. Framework doesn’t have that luxury.

The worst shipping I ever saw was from a company in Germany sending me something to a German address. The items were less than a pound (half a kilo) and about the size of half a dollar. Shipping was 40 Euros.

I would be lying if I did not admit to scoffing at that. I used the prices for shipping that I saw from Amazon, for example and thought it was outrageous. Sadly such is life. That said, Framework has done many things to show how they are genuinely trying to make things better for their customers.

Hang in there folks. Things will continue to improve. :+1:


Yeah…thing is the Marketplace is effectively useless till they do. :unamused:

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YMMV. I have found the marketplace to be quite useful. But I do understand what you are saying, and we can agree that it would be great to see less of an expense in the shipping department.

If there was an AMD version then I’d happily buy one, just to replace my current work laptop. However I’d really like a larger display since that would be of more use to me personally, and it would add the prospect of using upgraded internals later. So for me it’s mainly the display screen size… I need a new laptop but really need something larger!


Display DPI unsuitable for 2x scaling.

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For me as a student, the laptop is still too expensive and I also want a 15" version. Also, I live in Germany and only use Klarna or PayPal pay. I hope that these payment options will be available soon.

  • Springy hinges
  • Relatively high price
  • My XPS 13 still works fine and while the specs aren’t that great, it has a better screen (resolution wise and a smaller bezel) and includes a touchscreen

So I’m kinda waiting for more polishing of hinges and power consumption and maybe killer features like an AMD/ARM processor and 2-in-1 tablet mode and so on, which would give a more direct buying incentive.


Not even having the option to not buy the Intel wi-fi module. I don’t want to give a penny of my money to Intel.

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There are not many other wireless card manufacturers in that format with the right antenna setup.

  1. Optional keyboard for 15 inch version. Smaller arrow keys but with num pad & finger sized arrow key but without num pad. 14 inch may not have this option due to all screen (14 & 15) have bezel less display. 13 inch? I think that’s too hard to being configurable.

  2. AMD ryzen U series (Actually, I want the ryzen 5000 U series, but ok, I know the 6000 series has been released and the 5000 is becoming difficult to get in the market). For ARM & RISC, from a buyer’s PoV, it looks like it could be delayed. Because software that support ARM are also still very few.

  3. Display with max resolution 1080p and 100% sRGB for both 14 and 15 inch display. 1080p is still enough for 15 inch screen. Even most of 24 inch monitor have 1080p max resolution. 2K is just for 15 inch (and 17" someday) as an option (see number 10).

  4. No 400 nits screen for built in laptop. Most of laptop even come with 300 nits. Just cheaper one come with 250 nits. Even 250 is enough for me to work in the park during the day. Under the roof, of course. Who will use the laptop while sunbathing?

  5. Better battery life. I think this problem is due to bad electrical engineering. Ok, the framework is indeed hiring electrical engineers. Looks like we’ll have to wait.

  6. Lighter. 1.3kg on a 13 inch laptop? That is heavy. Reducing the use of metal or carbon fiber frame option may help.

  7. Expansion card with less weight and case coverage. The top of expansion cards are covered with top frame and keyboard. It may cut the weight and cost.

  8. Better sound card. I think we are mostly use external speaker or headphone, so separate sound card and speaker and there is optional for upgrade one of these would be good.

  9. SEA market. I’m Indonesian. Tax and shipping cost are not cheap for me and my friends.

  10. OLED option display with 300 (and 350 maybe) nits. Also with 2K resolution as the most flagship option (only for 15 & 17 inch display) but 2K option still can be delayed.

  11. To compete with convertible laptops, perhaps the special hinge option embedded with the bottom case can help.

  12. A Mainboard with dedicated GPU. I think this is the most difficult. Maybe the dGPU can be delayed for the next 7 years or even more. We also can connect a RTX via thunderbolt right?

I just want numbers 1 through 9 to come true soon. But all of them seem worthy of the manufacturer’s consideration.
Hopefully, this company and other similar companies (if any) will be able to carry out all their business affairs.
Finally, I apologize for my bad English.


Was just about to purchase a Framework laptop, and thought it was weird that it didn’t mention a touch display. Sad to find out it isn’t an option, which is a deal breaker for me. I love the concept, the follow through on the recent upgrades, and everything else about the laptop seems perfect for me. Every laptop I’ve had for the last 10 years or so has had a touch screen with a solid 8-10hrs use, and I can’t go back. I really want the laptop to succeed though, and didn’t want to pass it up without making my reason known.


Aren’t touch displays a bit 2012? Most modern laptops I get in don’t have one (thankfully as they are a pain to repair).

If you want touch get a tablet or use your phone, seems to be the market trend nowadays.