If you haven't ordered yet, what's holding you back?

It’s not being sold in Poland and the company is actively countering using the parcel redirection services. There’s no way I’m moving to a supported country because of a repairable laptop no matter how good, hence I seriously doubt I’ll ever get it.


eGPU’s my friend. Why have two separate machines when one will do? Plus, smaller form factors are possible since the GPU, requisite bigger battery and cooling aren’t in the laptop chassis. It isn’t cheap or value oriented but when it works it is quite nice.

Hopefully other European countries will be on the list soon, you could try a direct email support@frame.work to see if they have it on the cards.


Regarding the following posts critique: See this link below where you can leave your email for notification.

Link = Framework | Fix Consumer Electronics

There is no need send messages about this to support. They are experiencing incredibly heavy contact volumes and will not share anything there that they haven’t already announced publicly. If you want your interest registered, do so via the region selector on the Framework Marketplace.


Thank you for reminder. Would it be too much to ask what was announced exactly in terms of expanding sales to new countries and rest of EU in particular?

Oh of course, I didn’t mean to say I don’t get how it’s even possible or why anyone would ever do it. Totally my personal opinion. Sometimes I like a Swiss army knife approach, sometimes I like a tool box.

When it comes to PC’s, I’ve gravitated towards the tool box approach, with multiple specialized computers for doing different things. While the 16 can totally obsolete most of my personal fleet (possibly even my 2020-era gaming PC???), I actually want it for a very particular use case rather than to replace everything else. Nonetheless, it probably could. Hopefully AI doesn’t give computers feelings before Q4!


Because they don’t ship to Sweden! I’ve been following FW since day one and would love to support them. But now i actually need a new laptop and will be forced to buy something else, which means that I wont be a potential buyer for the next 5-6 years.


Horses for courses… if you don’t want to buy multiple computers and the portable computer has “enough” capacity, it makes good economic sense. If your budget for this is bigger you can have multiple, more specialised computers and get a better experience.

Games have generally improved their graphics quality scaling over the old days. 8 year old mid-range hardware can still play most things on low, sometimes even mid settings. Ask me how I know!

If you aren’t that serious and aren’t so excited about the highest end graphics, a dGPU laptop’s good enough nowadays - and of course an external GPU can push that further, for more money, while you’re still only buying one PC. In fact, with an eGPU… you could share it with the kids and their school laptops. Crazy, huh?

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I would be using the laptop mainly for digital art, so I would like to get the 16" version for the bigger screen. But I’m not really super familiar with the Ryzen thing. All the research I’ve done on devices for digital art, all the artists I can find seem to suggest an intel for digital art, no one ever seems to really mention the Ryzen :upside_down_face: At least, not in the circles I’ve been floating around :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: I don’t know if it will really make much of a difference which ever one I go with.

Also, I’m not sure if I should settle for 13 now, get the 16 now, or wait to get the 16 later in case there are any big kinks that need to be worked out. :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

That’s my brain :grin:

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I was in batch 1 for FW16, but cancelled because:

  • My current laptop is almost 2 years old, it runs fine for what I need it for.
  • I do not need a bigger screen, my 14" Lenovo suits my needs. I could go for the FW13, but I’m still unsure about the 3:2 ratio. I mostly use the laptop for watching movies and series with youtube, along with university work. If anyone has reviews on watching movies/series with their FW13 3:2 ratio - please do give me an insight of the experience :smiley: Also unsure if 16:10 ratio is suitable. Gonna wait till reviews come out on the FW16.

My next laptop will be FW but not sure what size. I’ve already bought the extension ports I would use.

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I love a slightly taller screen ratio. Sure, if you are watching 16:9 content (or even wider), there will be black bars top and bottom (assuming you go full screen). But I can absolutely live with that and it doesn’t bother me. For everything else, I prefer the extra vertical height. Even when I’m watching YouTube and I’m NOT running full screen, there is more room for the description and such underneath the video. When I’m browsing the internet or scrolling through documents, the extra vertical space is nice. Plus, so many OS/interfaces put things like task bars, menu bars, control tabs, etc., at the top and bottom of the screen. The extra vertical space just feels like it makes more sense.

Granted, I wouldn’t want to just go full portrait mode on my monitors in most cases. But I think 16:10 or 3:2 is a good balance. I’ve gotten used to the taller screens on the FW13 and my desktop monitors. I recently dug out an old laptop to wipe it and give it to my cousin’s daughter. It had a 16:9 screen and it immediately felt restrictive and weird because I’m used to taller screens now.

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I actually did. That was their reply.

Unfortunately, Framework laptops are not yet available in Poland, and we don’t have an estimated date on when they will be available.

And then another after me asking for less precise estimate

Unfortunately, we don’t have an estimated date or year when the Framework laptop will be available in Poland.

In conjunction with the residence demand and parcel redirection countermeasures in place, I’d say “practically never” would be a safe guess.

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Thqnks for the helpful insight! I normally run full screen on movies in netflix + plex. YouTube, it depends what video I’m watching. I’m sure the extra space will be great for my coursework and general notes at uni. But still unsure :confused: . I have plenty of time until my current ideapad needs replacing. I’ll probably get the FW16 once reviews come out.

It´s not being sold in Iceland and based on what I have read they will never sell it here.
Icelandic is such a small market and if they only offer the support in native many here if not most Icelandic people wont buy it since we are used to using English for tech.
It´s considered near impossible to troubleshoot Windows in Icelandic :frowning:

the technical wording was translated for Icelandic by some Professor that at the time had never seen a computer, there were 7 total back then.

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Welcome to the community! Thanks for your post!

Know that the people at Framework are not stupid, and the process for entering a new country is more complex than “find new country → translate everything into their native language → profit”. I would hope that the team would try to be aware of situations like this and not waste time translating all their materials into a language that no one would end up using. While it may be a while before they can consider Iceland because of the size of the customer base, Framework’s goal is to make the consumer electronics market more repairable, so excluding Iceland forever would be a pretty bad move.

Because Framework won’t ship to Malaysia. Trust me when I say I’m ready to part with money for a new laptop to replace my Predator Helios 500 AMD Edition that Acer and Micro$oft just dropped support for in short order just like that. Except that apparently Malaysian money isn’t good enough for Framework given the many other Malaysians asking and getting the same response.

Look, I know, compared to Canadian Rubles, Malaysian money is Rupiahs, but this is not the way to treat potential customers, let alone people who actually need the product.

I’m sure Framework would love to be able to ship worldwide, without exceptions. But there are logistical, regulatory, and taxation considerations that make it more difficult than people might initially think. It also takes time and money to set up shipping and support in additional countries. Framework is still a small company with a lot on their plate right now.

I know it’s a bummer. Hopefully, Framework will eventually be able to ship and support their products everywhere. For now, it’s best just to set your region on the Framework site to show your interest. Patience isn’t my strong suit either but I’m sure it’s not a matter of Framework ignoring potential customers simply out of apathy.


For me it’s the lack of high resolution Toucscreen with 360° hinge and pen with 4096 pressure support (or things which can do the same like on the microsoft studio thing).

So the Hardware of the actual 16" plus with 3840x2400 16:10, 4096 pressure for pen, touchscreen (at same time with mouse and touchpad. Not like on the cheap devices, where only one works at same time).

Yeah and glossy, because high resolution does makes only sense with glossy. But because of pen and touch it would have glass anyway and then it would be glossy anyway so…

And for sure because it is not sold in Switzerland with (german) CH Keyboard layout.

120Hz is not so important for me. I take it, for sure, but i dont need it. But i need High-Res for drawing. I know people cant understand why you need 4k on a 15" device, but for drawing you could even need higher res than that.

For a while, it was comparing the price of a Framework vs a new MacBook Air. In the end, I wanted to try something new, and Framework hit the right notes. Stoked to try it out for a few months and see if it sticks. If not, I can always run right back to Apple =P.

It’s not likely the CPU will be your limiting factor. At least with Adobe, CPU requirements are very easy to meet. But it uses a lot of ram, 16gb or 32gb recommended, and the GPU might be another story. Depends on what you’re doing.

For rendering work, Nvidia cards are still reportedly getting it done faster in 2023. Pro Graphics cards from either brand (AMD Radeon Pro, Nvidia Quattro) are meant for this, getting it done faster still, and cost extra for the privilege.

Check the recommended specs for the app you intend to run. For example, Adobe Premiere Pro recommends a 4gb card (or a 6gb card for 4k) renders in 2023. Pro graphics cards get expensive fast as you climb the product stack, and you can hit a point of diminishing returns.

Adobe Premiere Pro recommended specs

The Framework 16 offers that RX7700s. If that complies with the software vendor’s recommended specs, fine, $600 solution. But if you need something bigger then you may have a use case for either external graphics (eGPU) or just a different computer.

As to external graphics, you could buy a Razer Core X… or follow the thread below, where some community members are engineering something faster. They have a basic design at time of writing, and are looking at potential improvements.

Community Oculink connector bay module thread