BIOS 3.09 to replace Incomplete BIOS 3.08

Potentially dumb question but what does CVE stand for?

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Don’t forget, as far as I am aware, Framework still hasn’t had Thunderbolt certification from Intel. Patience is a virtue, they say!

Not even sure if it’ll ever come to the 11th gen…there’s no additional message from Framework on this since last year. Is TB4 for the 11th gen mainboard still being pursued? We don’t know. (Not being the dark cloud. Just saying we don’t even know the progress, the end goal, the dates…nada)

Other brands already have their 12th gen systems certified with TB4…being sold. (Forming a comparison)

I was going to go that direction, still hoping for 3.08… I did download the beta for 3.08, perhaps use that as it appears to be OK except for the Insyde issue.


Our release process for BIOS updates that involve upstream security fixes is:

  1. The upstream vendor has to complete their fix and validate that it is correctly fixed.
  2. The engineering team at our manufacturing partner and our internal engineering team integrate the upstream fix with our Framework Laptop-specific BIOS.
  3. Our manufacturing partner and internal team validate the BIOS.
  4. We release to the Community for a public beta test.
  5. We release the final version publicly.

Unfortunately in this case, step 1 has taken much longer than we’d like.


Does the ‘upstream vendor’ keep in touch and give you progress reports or any reasoning why there is such a delay?


Thinking along the same line: Framework being a customer to the upstream vendor, Framework should have leverage on the SLA.


Thank you for clarifying the process! This is what I wanted to see. I actually contacted the ‘upstream vendor’ by emailing their US office email address, and tried to understand why they take longer for their patch to the Framework Laptop. They explained me their general workflow to sell their BIOS firmware and to fix security issues, but unfortunately they didn’t answer me for Framework’s specific case so far.


@Insyde (if anyone from there is reading…): Chop chop.

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Sadly that @ is not a real user :frowning:

I introduced this thread to a person at the ‘upstream vendor’ 2 days ago. So, I assume they may read it.


Any chance we can get a rundown of what the update addresses? Specifically hoping for some movement on the drain during sleep (not off) issues. I’ve got a batch 1 unit that I’m really fond of, but now that the world is opening back up a bit and it’s not sitting plugged in all the time, this is the kind of deal breaker that’d lead me to sell. (Which sucks because FW is exactly the direction I’d like to see HW vendors move!)

@Matt_Simmons Did you try the kernel parameter nvme.noacpi=1? This improves your battery life with the sleep mode: s2idle remarkably. You can see Linux battery life tuning - #202 by junaruga for detail.


I’m on Fedora Linux but tempted to try the beta myself, mainly because I so frickin’ tired of having to reboot and go into bios to enable battery disconnect every time I want to shut it down.

Honestly, after being frustrated and waiting for months at this point for power related fixes, I bit the bullet and installed the unlisted 3.08 bios. At least for me, I’m no longer seeing huge power drain when hibernating or powering off the laptop.

Caveats being obviously it’s an unlisted BIOS, there’s no changelog or guarantee of anything actually being fixed, but anecdotally in limited testing it’s an improvement on the power drain.


I decided to give this a try, and this bios absolutely ate my battery up. It drains a LOT when I am literally just looking at outlook online. This is a report of this just happening.

Windows 10 I71165 32 GB Ram, 2 TB Sabrent Rocket.

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Looks like little difference between Active and Standby.

However if you mean sleep and all the same apps are running that’s not surprising as it may only switch the screen off and in my case with the screen low that is hardly significant.

What did you use to get that read out. I’ll give mine a try in standby?

That looks like the sleep study that you can use powercfg to attain:

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OK ??!! All a way bit off topic still using 3.07 I can’t see what 3.08 can offer.

Just used the powercfg /SleepStudy and am overwhelmed by the amount of info. That’s the bad news as there’s no way I’m going to get my head around even 10% of it.

The good news is, not that I am a believer, but after four months and using a min of 2 to 3 hours a day, more likely 4 to 5 and sometimes 6plus I have

Capacity Ratio 94
Cycle Count 0

Have only once done a discharge to switch off followed by 100% charge.

After the first two months I usually use when plugged in at 78% battery setting