Josh Cook's dual USB-C expansion card

Go put a deposit down so I know.

We’ve seen a lot of the OEM expansion cards have problems with drawing power when nothing is plugged into them. Could you include your measurements on how much power draw this card will add (if any) when you release the final card specs?

I won’t get exact figures till I get prototypes in hand but I can certainly request some figures from the manufacturer directly.

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Also, this will be a completely closed project, no design files will be available at all, and all photos that I post will not have the PCB itself exposed.

@Josh_Cook I’m wondering about possible high consumption on this kind of expansion though. Particularly on AMD model, it is known that, for example, the USB A expansion has a high consumption on the two rear ports of the laptop. Any info on this regard ?

Will the dual USB C expansion card allow the USB retimers to enter suspend state as described here?

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I won’t know till I get a prototype in.

USB-C PD 65W charging has been confirmed, will check if EPR is possible.


Great thanks, already made my deposit, can’t wait to see the result.

Any ideas about final pricing…? Or is this too soon already? This will be a deciding factor on how many I would like to have! :frowning:

Also put down a deposit for 3 units - I’m sure someone in the EU will want one and this will make the shipping per unit cheaper :+1:

And just in case it would be of interest, I would be happy to proxy the cards for the EU - I run a small DIY mechanical keyboard shop with my wife (link on request, don’t want to self-promote here), so we ship stuff to the EU (and beyond) daily.

EDIT: I see Josh always seems to quote prices including shipping, but it feels like quite a bit of the cost could be saved by shipping larger quantity.

I’m happy to deposit.

So doing a specs roundup, for @Josh_Cook to confirm. Am I missing anything? Get anything wrong?

65W charging of laptop is confirmed, on 1 port (which one TBD), possibly EPR/100+W (TBD)
USB-C with USB3.2 data on both ports
Both ports can provide standard USB 5v@1.5A (??)

Cost per card is estimated at $20-40 USD, deposit is $11 USD per card via this stripe link

USB retimers suspend state power draw issue will be evaluated when prototype card is received.

Likewise, the known power issue with the 2 rear ports with the official FW USB-A expansion card will be evaluated when prototype card is received.

EDIT: Updated the per-port power output capabilities as per @Josh_Cook


check out this. framework recently released kindof something like this: Framework | Expansion Card Shell Pack (20-pack)

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Everything else is correct, but they should be able to provide 1.5A to each port.

Great, updated the post, thanks!

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I would be interested in 1 or 2, depending on the final cost.

I’m also interested in one card. It would be nice to just have the extra port.

Estimate is $20-40 USD per card at the moment.