Josh Cook's dual USB-C expansion card

EU-Germany: awesome – count me in for taking two!

any update on when the next batch will be shipping?

Nope, though EPR support has been confirmed so FW16 can charge through this expansion card.


Just to make it clear… the FW16 can charge other devices through this expansion card, but not the opposite a.k.a. can get charged through this expansion card, right?

Or does this mean, that it can be charged, but with only 65W max. instead of the power adapters max. of 180W?

This means you can charge your FW16 through this expansion card up to 240W


Pre ordered one too to the UK! @Josh_Cook Awesome work man, while hiding schematics is not ideal I totally understand the compromise here. Happy to just get a working module. If you personally stop producing them would it be possible to then release the schematics or even to the official framework engineers so they can continue production? Would suck to not have these available for the future. Any estimate for when you can ship the first modules? really eager to test them.


has anyone been charged for the full amount of the card? I preordered awhile back and haven’t been charged

I don’t think they’re even shipping yet man. It’s best to just be patient. This project is moving fast, but not that fast.

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Awesome, then I’ll keep one in port 5 all the time.
Thought I’d be limited to ports 3 and 6.

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Remeber that Josh Cook is not a multinational cooperation designing electronics. It’s just one kid from Australia ordering things from chinese PCB mills. Just getting the PCBs made takes weeks.


totally get that I just wanted to make sure I hadn’t missed anything on my end (:

Could you reconfigure the vote to show total numbers and not percentages?
That way it’s easier to confirm the order count.
I reckon, if everybody who pre-ordered also voted, at this point it should be around 140 cards total.

I think this card is the perfect card for the non display out charging port on the framework laptops😁

I believe it’s around 90 people right now, the actual number of cards ordered is probably closer to 200 cards


I can get them pretty quick, but this is a complex project.


I’m gonna use it for mouse and keyboard(have a special keyboard, and don’t want 2 cards taken up by them. It would only work as charging if it had EPR, because the 16 is hungreeeey…

Josh confirmed it supports up to 240 watt epr earlier.

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A little late to the discussion, but I would absolutely be down for one of these too

Unfortunately, you cannot modifiy a poll after 2 or 5mn so… Sorry my friend

@Josh_Cook I might have missed something earlier, but am I understanding that the design is only partly, or almost not at all, your direct hands-on-keyboard design, and you’ve essentially consulted with a 3rd party to complete the design? And that’s why it has to be closed, because the 3rd party doesn’t want the design specs/etc out there?

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