Linux Community Ambassador Tommi at SFSCON!

SFSCON (The South Tyrol Free Software Conference) is one of Europe’s most established annual conferences on Free Software, taking place this year from November 8-9 at NOI Techpark in Bolzano, Italy.

We are delighted to announce that Linux Community Ambassador @Tommi will be attending SFSCON and giving “Knitting Our Internet” (KOI), their workshop that explores the history of the Internet, and offers a perspective for a collective re-imagination of participatory, decentralized networks. You can find Tommi at the event to chat about the KOI project, Linux, the Fediverse, Free Software, Artificial Intelligence, and more. They will also be bringing their Framework laptop, so feel free to reach out to them (@ on the Fediverse, or via email) if you’d like to see a Framework Laptop 13 in person or pick up some Framework stickers.

SFSCON has free attendance, and you can register using this link: SFSCON - South Tyrol Free Software Conference

Please let us and other Linux Community Ambassadors know if you’d like to see them at your events.



You are all very welcome to come, I will have many Framework stickers with me, and nifty things to show you. Also, if you would like to contribute in any way to the workshop, don’t hesitate to get in touch!