LTE Cat 4 Cell Modem Card

Don’t want to be a pain, but I don’t seem to have received any emails. I’m wondering if I typo’d my email address on your Stripe page. Is it okay if I DM you with some other information to see if we can find my order in your account?

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I’m starting to have a similar feeling if I’m honest. :sweat_smile:

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I have the draft of the email I was going to send out ready, I just need to proof read it and I’ll send it out in a couple hours. Some people didn’t receive order confirmation emails as it wasn’t setup right


Update emails all sent out!


Is the module plug n play? Are there any drivers to install?

Should be plug n play. Will test.


I’m a little late on this, but I still haven’t received anything on my end. Mind if we check this out when you’ve got the time?

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How long will availability last?

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If you are deciding if you should buy it now or later, either is fine. I’ll be producing these on-demand once I’ve shipped the bulk of the orders.

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it would be funny if one could hook this up to a Pi and just create a personal hotspot …

A cheap smartphone will do personal hotspot even better, and even have a battery and a screen too XD.

wouldn’t be as fun … lol

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So would we still go to the stripe link to place an order now?


Thank you…

sure but the pi runs Linux…if you want to create some out in the wilds electronics base, headless install, maybe lorawan bridge…meanwhile a phone is way harder to remote manage


That is a different application than the “personal hotspot” I was referring to, there are definitely tons of applications for standalone cellular modems. Some of yours my be better served by an off the shelve industrial pc, some of those come with cellular modems.

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industrial PCs tend to be much more expensive. but also, for a personal hotspot you may also find valuable if you can run zour own recursive DNS server on the pi with an always on VPN too. in any case, I rather tinker than buy off the shelf most of the time.

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Propper certified stuff with warranties, sure but the regular stuff can be surprisingly cheap. Especially with scalped to hell pis (even though that is a whole lot better than it was).

I’m in the same boat there, not sure if that’s a good thing though XD.


any update on when the next batch will be shipping for the LTE Card?