October/Batch 4 Thread

UPDATE: The shipped email is sent on 11/2 and is expected to arrive on 11/9. Gonna take long before reaching my hands since I also need to wait for the shipping proxy to ship to my home country :grimacing:


Yeay! Where are you shipping yours to? I’ve also reshipped mine over here (Switzerland). Be aware that if you need an ISO keyboard layout they don’t have those available for purchase separately yet… Nor they have an estimated date for them :confused:

Stinking FedEx. Mine shipped last night. Hasn’t even left the origin facility yet and it is already showing as delayed.


Mine is to Hong Kong, so technically the laptop took a round trip around the globe… :rofl: I also use the US keyboard layout so it’s not a big matter. Checked the shipping company’s site and it says estimated delivery in at least 5 working days after they received my laptop, so now it’s the waiting game!

I’m putting on my skeptical spectacles for such lofty promises…


Looks like my Framework has been loaded onto a DeLorean.


In news that will likely shock all of you in a non-ironic way, FedEx actually delivered when they said they would: the next day.

So I now the laptop, and have popped in my RAM and storage. Also as a veteran of many WiFi and LTE card installations, the dreaded antenna connections are more like minor annoyances for me. Although I must say I appreciate the little metal cover they included to screw down over the top of them to keep them in place. That’s a nice touch. I’m in charge of a bunch of poorly-treated Panasonic Toughpads at my job, and those don’t have a cover like that-- needless to say, hot glue or solder have had to be deployed on a few of them. Nice to know I don’t need to do the same to my device.

Setup wise, I have installed Xubuntu 21.10 on the thing, copied over all my XFCE settings from my old laptop, got all my needed software setup, updated the WiFi firmware, got the fingerprint reader going, and am currently using it as my work laptop for the day to see how it goes. It also runs Windows 11 in KVM like a champ.

So far so good! Only small issue so far is a bit of screen tearing, but XFCE did that on my Thinkpad as well, and it’s fairly minor, especially after switching from XFCE’s compositor to Compton.

Good luck to the rest of you guys who are still waiting.


Also, I have the scaling in the display settings set to .7x. Man, that native resolution makes for some tiny stuff.


@AndrewGurn I am glad to hear that Xubuntu is working for you, that is the distro I am planning to run as well.


Ah, another XFCE fan. You are truly a man of taste.

I wrote up exactly what I needed to do to get the fingerprint reader working (which took a bit of troubleshooting) here: https://community.frame.work/t/fingerprint-scanner-compatibility-with-linux-ubuntu-fedora-etc/1501/197?u=andrewgurn

Could be helpful since we’re running the same thing.

Also highly recommend going to Settings Manager > Window Manager Tweaks > Compositor and unchecking “Enable display compositing”. Then

sudo apt install compton

and then

/usr/bin/compton --backend glx --paint-on-overlay --vsync opengl-swc

Add the above line as an Application Autostart script under Settings Manager > Session and Startup if you like it. I find it way nicer than XFCE’s compositer.


FedEx shows mine is due to arrive Friday … better download my Linux installer :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Just got my shipping email as well! FedEx says it’ll get here Saturday, so I look forward to getting my Framework on Monday!


I finally got a tracking number from FedEx as well! It says it should be delivered by the 5th, so I’m super excited for next Tuesday!! :joy:


Remember remember the 5th of November… :sweat_smile:


Got it yesterday. Installed Fedora. Super happy with it.

I’m in Vancouver, BC.


Sept 26: ordered
Oct 4: batch shipping notification
Oct 25: preparing to ship
Oct 27: shipping soon
Oct 29: shipped
Nov 1: arrived, but FedEx wouldn’t deliver without a buzz code
Nov 2: went to airport and picked it up myself :confused:


FedEx seems to be running smoother around here finally. For a while, the local distro was massively backed up. But my shipment already says it’s out for delivery! So there’s a good chance I’ll be able to start tinkering this evening!


It’s here! I won’t be able to mess with it until after work, but it arrived!


Arrived yesterday. The Wi-Fi card was the trickiest part to install, but not as bad as it’s made out to be.

I’m running Manjaro linux. The mouse stuttered a bit after installing, but the directions on the Arch wiki resolved the issue. I’m using the charger from my Thinkpad X1 Carbon, which works fine. Updated to 5.14 kernel. Everything tested so far (including the fingerprint reader) works out of the box, except bluetooth, which is a known issue.

Impressions. The touchpad seems nice enough, but will take a little getting used to. Not a Thinkpad keyboard, but didn’t expect it to be. The display is really nice. I don’t even hate the reflective finish as much as I thought I would.

Ordered DBRAND skins, which I have on my previous Thinkpads. Haven’t arrived yet, but my experiences with DBRAND have been excellent.

Dear Framework: THANK YOU THANK YOU for making the screwdriver magnetic. That was helpful.


It has arrived! :grin:
finished installing everything - no issues there, and am currently loading fedora 35 onto it from a flashdrive

only issue I’m noticing so far is the physical click for the trackpad doesnt work, I can only tap-to-click (after enabling it)



Try pressing down firmly in the exact centre of the touchpad.


Installed the RAM, SSD and Wi-Fi card into my DIY unit with no trouble. I guess I’m used to placing and connecting delicate wires at work, because the Wi-Fi card antennas were a breeze. Snapped into place, tucked carefully aside and the little cover screwed in place. No problem. I probably only had it open for 5 minutes or so.

Fired it up and booted a Fedora 35 Xfce ISO from a USB drive. Everything seems to work so far. I haven’t actually “installed” Fedora yet because I got called away with a work issue. But so far, so good!

Never used Linux before in my life, but I figured that’s all the more reason why it doesn’t really matter much what distro/DE I start with. It’s all going to be a learning curve and a fun tinkering process. So I picked Fedora 35 Xfce, just because. I’ll play around with that for a bit and maybe try others eventually.