OFFICIAL - Linux and Framework Support - PLEASE READ

This will not help. Apt will not remove config files programs create independently, config issues will still arise.

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These apt-based distributions really are making things so darn complicated when they don’t have to, don’t they? Apparently everything is impossible as long as apt is involved… :stuck_out_tongue:

systemctl disable gdm.service
sudo pacman -R gnome gdm manjaro-gnome-assets manjaro-gdm-theme

sudo pacman -S lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings manjaro-xfce-gtk3-settings manjaro-settings-manager
sudo systemctl enable lightdm.service

Job done.
Now, will you understand the basic point being made, or nitpick? Configurations files are just configuration file. Yeet them if they cause you a problem.

(Now, this assumes the person wants Manjaro’s special themes. This is even easier if using something that doesn’t skin the DE to hell and back with 500 unwarranted extensions. This operation is super simple and reinstalling a whole OS because one wants to switch DE is silly.)

GNOME likes to toss them all over the place. This isn’t an apt-specific issue either. Package managers (generally) WILL NOT track configuration files produced post-install, as that is not their domain. I also recall that GNOME creates a lot of files in non-standard places, so getting rid of them won’t be too clean.

I’m tired of this discussion, so I’ll just leave it as: I guess it’s an “everyone but me” issue then.

Removing one DE, and then installing another DE, is not a problem. It is easy. It is fine. I have never had any problems in any Linux distro I have used, nor in FreeBSD.

Using MULTIPLE DE’s that rely on the same frameworks, THAT is where the problems lie.

But if GNOME dropped some files somewhere, and you yeet GNOME, then install XFCE, are you saying XFCE is going to go out of its way to track down all those GNOME files? Of course not. It’ll look at it’s own stuff, and wherever they overlap, it will either overwrite what GNOME had put there (you don’t care, you removed GNOME, remember?), or you just change that.

Incidentally, this will become even less of an issue with libadwaita etcetera. But in the context of REPLACING desktop environments, the issues of having multiple environments simultaneous do not apply.

For reasons that are extremely obvious.

A lot of distos release DEs with configurations that deploy with the installer, which may not be installed if you download a DE from a package manager. Not only native config files, but sometimes even whole directory paths will be unique to an installer deployment.

So: yes, you can generally install a new DE on top of an existing installation through a package manager, but often it will be “missing” a bit of the specific customizations and tweaks the maintainer worked hard to express in their ISO.

I have also installed a second DE on an OS and had a very broken experience, but with a fresh install the DE worked wonderfully. Sometime the package manager can’t fix everything.

That being said, it can be fun having multiple DEs installed on a single OS because typically you can select whichever one you want to load up from the login screen (depending on your mood that day, perhaps :wink: ).

I contacted support about the “Dead battery on powered off laptop, won’t turn on without being plugged in, battery missing in OS” issue.

The resolution was the BIOS reset procedure (popping the coin cell, disconnecting main battery, waiting 5 minutes, etc). Support asked me to install Windows afterwards to test if it happens again. :grimacing:

Framework, you gotta fix support responses like that. If a powered off laptop has a battery drain issue where it won’t power on after a week of being idle, and requires a BIOS reset to fix it… it isn’t an OS issue. Your Linux support needs to improve. You don’t have to directly support Linux per-say, but don’t give answers to Linux users that include “installing Windows”. That’s a Dell-style response and won’t distinguish you in the market.


I’d rather have the battery drain issue.


What does Ubuntu 21.04.3+ mean? I know my Ubuntu is version 21.04 but what does that 3 mean? Is that in reference to the Gnome version?

Major version 21.
Minor version 04.
Patch level 3.

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Isn’t it more: Release of April 2021, patch level 3?

The Ubuntu release naming doesn’t really follow the normal major/minor conventions - it’s not like 21.04 followed 21.03, after all.

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Could be, it really indicates some kind of version, so that proper help can be sought.

This is the Linux way. :pray:


What kind of battery life should I expect on Ubuntu 22.04 with the laptop and a i5-1240P (12th gen CPU)?

3 posts were split to a new topic: GRUB text size

My recollection is the minor version represented the target release month: stable releases are xx.04 and targeted for April, interim releases are xx.10 and targeted for October.

I don’t know how clearly they hew to that now, but I think that’s where those numbers came from…

Close. Yes the convention is YY.MM.patchlevel with releases in April and October every year but it is not as if one or the other is stable. They do mark the April release every other year as LTS (long term support) however so 18.04, 20.04, 22.04, etc are LTS releases which are maintained for 10 years (5 years in general but additional 5 through paid support). All interim releases are stable but only maintained for 9 months.

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Your post is almost spot on. It is free for personal use for up to 3 machines or if you are an Ubuntu member for up to 50 machines. Everything else you said sounds correct. Though interim releases can sometimes have new features added which some users find a bit less stable at times. I myself tend to stick to the LTE releases for best stability with my installs.

ESM is also available to personal users on up to three machines and Ubuntu members on 50 machines.

Source …

Digging up an old thread.

Yes, RedHat has a list of certified [laptop] hardware:

Framework isn’t currently there.

I wonder how well the 12th gen Intel Framework Laptop would work with RHEL 8[.6] OOTB. I see other brands have their 12th gen Intel laptops already on the list.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) is the downstream of Fedora. I am not sure that RHEL 8’s kernel and library versions are new enough to run Framework Laptop. The RHEL 9 beta is already public: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 beta | Red Hat Developer

There’s this in the 8.6 release notes:

And this from 8.5 release notes:

9.0 Beta states this: