Please, have another go at the MicroSD expansion card

This really needed to be spring loaded (actually, I think the cards themselves needed to be but I bet the Framework 13 style case is locked in for a decade now)

I have a lot of difficulty taking the MicroSD cards out and it is never clear when they are inserted correctly.

I would say a full size SDXC reader with a good quality UHS-II adapter card would work better.

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They are working on one. But it requires them having a custom SD slot made.

Interestingly, the slots were originally going to have springs, but this was determined to not be the best option for the user experience. See more here

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That is interesting. Especially considering every other microUSB drive I’ve ever used was spring loaded. It never occured to me that Frameworks wouldn’t be


The expansion cards themselves were originally spring-loaded, which had the unintended effect of launching them out of the laptop.

Some may see that as a feature though.


Correct, I should note that I was talking about the expansion cards themselves originally being spring loaded. We don’t know about the pre-production of the MicroSD expansion card, but non spring loaded slots do exist on many computers other than the Framework Laptop.

While there could always be a MicroSD expansion v2 that adds a spring loaded mechanism, it does not seem to be a priority for the team right now, as they are currently working on a full-size SD expansion card.

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